韩书成,熊建华,李 丹.珠三角城市群土地生态安全评价指标体系研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(2):83-88
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Evaluation index system of land ecological security in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration
中文关键词: 城市群  土地生态安全评价  指标体系  珠三角
英文关键词: urban agglomeration  evaluation of land ecological security  index system  Pearl River Delta
韩书成,熊建华,李 丹 (华南理工大学公共管理学院广东 广州 510640) 
摘要点击次数: 2014
全文下载次数: 920
      通过文献资料总结并提炼出当前土地生态安全评价中认可度较高的评价指标,初步构建珠三角城市群土地生态安全评价指标体系。遵循系统性性和可操作性等原则从原始29 项指标中选取18 项作为土地生态安全评价指标,结合2011 年数据对18 项指标进行主成分分析,最终确定珠三角城市群土地生态安全评价指标体系,并对2011 年珠三角城市群9 个城市的土地生态安全状况展开了试验性评价。结果发现:珠三角城市群土地生态安全评价指标体系主要由14 项核心指标组成;2011 年珠三角城市群土地生态安全得分和等级由高到低依次为深圳(11.49)>广州(4.25)>珠海(1.18)>东莞(0.47)>中山(-0.93)>肇庆(-2.63)>惠州(-3.38)>佛山(-5.06)>江门(-5.12)。
      Based on consulting extensive literature,this study concluded the most acceptable indicators from the current evaluation of land ecological security,then built the evaluation indicator system of land ecological security in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration. Ordered by the systematical and practical principle,18 indicators were selected as the evaluation of land ecological security indicators from the original 29 indicators. Principal component analysis on the 18 indicators was carried out with the data of 2011,lately the indicators system in the Pearl River Delta was built,along with which was the evaluation on the land ecological security of 2011 in the same area. The results showed that:the evaluation indicator system of land ecological security in the Pearl River Delta consisted of 14 main indicators; the result of the evaluation of land ecological security in the Pearl River Delta in 2011 was as following:Shenzhen(11.49)> Guangzhou(4.25)> Zhuhai(1.18)> Dongguan(0.47)> Zhongshan(-0.93)> Zhaoqing(-2.63)>Huizhou(-3.38)> Foshan(-5.06)> Jiangmen(-5.12).
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