文 飞1,黄红星2,刘晓珂2.广东省农业信息化发展战略[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(2):161-165
查看全文    HTML 广东省农业信息化发展战略
Research on development strategies for agricultural informatization of Guangdong province
中文关键词: 农业信息化  现状  需求  模式  战略
英文关键词: agricultural informatization  current situation  development demand  development model  strategy
文 飞1,黄红星2,刘晓珂2 (1. 广东省农业厅广东 广州 5105002. 广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所广东 广州 510640) 
摘要点击次数: 1990
全文下载次数: 876
      Informatization is not only the major force to promote transformation and upgrading of agricultural industry,but also an important means to overhaul agricultural modernization. Guangdong has got obvious achievements in information infrastructure,information platform construction,information technology application,information service system construction. Under the new normal,quantity and quality security of agricultural products,agricultural transformation and upgrading,and agricultural sustainable development have great need in information technology.Based on the analysis of current situation and development demands in Guangdong province,this paper put forward the major construction projects,including strengthening the top-level design,promoting productivity intellectuality,improving networked management,reinforcing government informatization,speeding up information into the village door and strengthening the demonstration. In the end,further suggestions to seize“ Internet +” development opportunities were put forward,such as developing wisdom agriculture,establishing agricultural big data,and optimizing the environment of rural electricity development.
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