储霞玲,马 力,黄修杰,张辉玲,白雪娜,崔建勋,杨贤智,邹移光.农业技术扩散主体的动力机制研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(2):166-170
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Study on the dynamic mechanism of agricultural technology diffusion subject
中文关键词: 农业技术  扩散主体  动力机制  钻石模型
英文关键词: agricultural technology  diffusion subject  dynamic mechanism  diamond model
储霞玲,马 力,黄修杰,张辉玲,白雪娜,崔建勋,杨贤智,邹移光 (广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所广东 广州 510640) 
摘要点击次数: 1760
全文下载次数: 805
      为提高农业科技成果转化水平,采用波特钻石模型以及定量和定性相结合的方法,对农业技术扩散过程中的扩散主体(农业科研机构、政府基层推广部门、中介组织、农业龙头企业和农民专业合作社)及各个组合的动力机制进行量化分析,对扩散动力机制进行详细阐释,扩展农业技术扩散动力机制的理论内涵。结果表明,农业科研机构在扩散动力机制中竞争力最高(76 分),明显高于政府基层推广部门(55 分)和中介组织(35 分),农业龙头企业和农民专业合作社的得分分别为68 分和73 分,但就农业技术的广谱性而言,农业龙头企业和专业合作社竞争力较低,仅能作为补充性扩散主体使用。在多种扩散主体组合中,农业科研机构+ 农业龙头企业(144 分)、农业科研机构+ 专业合作社(149 分)具有较高的竞争力。由于农业龙头企业对农业技术的广谱性较专业合作社弱,因此在技术扩散过程中,农业科研机构+ 专业合作社是最有效的扩散主体组合。
      In order to improve the transformation level of agricultural science and technology achievements,using Potter diamond model and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods,the dynamic mechanism of diffusion subjects,including scientific research institutions,promotion departments,intermediary organizations,leading agricultural enterprises and farmers' professional cooperatives,and their combinations was quantitatively analyzed.The diffusion mechanism was explained in detail,and the theoretical connotation of dynamic mechanism of agricultural technology diffusion was extended. The results show that scientific research institutions have the highest competitiveness with 76 points,significantly higher than promotion departments( 55 points) and intermediary organizations( 35 points).Leading agricultural enterprise and farmers' professional cooperative score 68 points and 73 points,but in terms of broad spectrum of agricultural technology,their competitiveness is low,they are only to be used as a supplement to the main body of diffusion. In diffusion subject combination,“scientific research institution + leading agricultural enterprise”( 144points) and“ scientific research institution + farmers' professional cooperative”( 149 points) have high competitiveness.Because compared to farmers' professional cooperative,the leading agricultural enterprise has weak broad spectrum,in the process of agricultural technology diffusion,“scientific research institution + farmers' professional cooperative” is the most effective diffusion subject combination.
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