朱报著1,2,刘 黾3,张方秋1,2,黄少玲3,潘 文1,2,汪 蓉3,徐 斌1,2,周荫庭3.不同嫁接处理对木棉和美丽异木棉嫁接生长的影响[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(5):65-70
查看全文    HTML 不同嫁接处理对木棉和美丽异木棉嫁接生长的影响
Influences of different grafting treatments on growthof the scions of Bombax ceiba Linn. andChorisia speciosa St.Hil.
中文关键词: 木棉  美丽异木棉  嫁接  成活率
英文关键词: Bombax ceiba Linn.  Chorisia speciosa St. Hil.  grafting  survival rate
朱报著1,2,刘 黾3,张方秋1,2,黄少玲3,潘 文1,2,汪 蓉3,徐 斌1,2,周荫庭3 1. 广东省森林病虫害生物防治重点实验室广东 广州 5105202. 广东省林业科学研究院广东 广州 5105203. 岭南园林股份有限公司广东 东莞 523000 
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      木棉嫁接以本砧嫁木、不同嫁接季节和不同嫁接方法进行木棉和美丽异木棉嫁接扩繁试验,结果表明:不同种类砧木和不同规格砧木嫁接木棉其成活率和生长量存在差异。木棉嫁接以本砧嫁接成活率最高,成活率在76.67% 以上,美丽异木棉砧木嫁接成活率73.33% 以上;不同规格的木棉和美丽异木棉砧木嫁接木棉,其嫁接成活率以地径2~3 cm 的砧木最优;嫁接后1 年,其接穗直径、高和冠幅以地径5~6 cm 的砧木最好;木棉枝条切接和楔接的嫁接成活率达86.67% 以上,生长优良率以枝条切接方法最高;以地径2~3 cm 木棉冬季和夏季进行本砧嫁接成活率80% 以上,冬季嫁接的高生长是夏季嫁接的5.08 倍以上。不同种类砧木嫁接美丽异木棉,其成活率和生长量存在显著差异,本砧嫁接成活率86.11% 最高,发财树砧木嫁接成活率72.22% 最低,本砧嫁接生长最好;以木棉为砧木进行冬季嫁接美丽异木棉,其成活率比夏季嫁接高37.57%,高生长是夏季嫁接的4.17 倍,美丽异木棉本砧嫁接成活率80.77% 以上,冬季嫁接高生长比夏季嫁接大3.97倍,冬季是木棉和美丽异木棉嫁接扩繁最好季节。
      In the present study,grafting test was conducted on Bombax ceiba Linn. and Chorisia speciosa St.Hil.with different rootstocks,specifications,seasons and methods. The results indicated that there were significantdifferences in survival rate and growth of B. ceiba Linn. among different rootstocks and specifications. The average survival rate was higher than 76.67% and 73.33% for B. ceiba Linn. employing B. ceiba Linn and Chorisia speciosa St.Hil as rootstocks,respectively. While the grafting survival rate of B. ceiba Linn. was the highest when the ground diameter was 2-3 cm. The diameter,height and crown width of scion were the highest after one year grafting.The grafting survival rate of B. ceiba Linn. was more than 86.67% using the methods of cutting and wedge grafting,and the growth was superior for method of cut grafting.
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