查看全文    HTML 发酵饲料工艺技术及在养猪生产中的应用研究进展
Research progress of the technology of fermented feed and its application in pig production
中文关键词: 发酵饲料  工艺技术  
英文关键词: different estrum  first mating  reproductive performance  condition of first mating
摘要点击次数: 1780
全文下载次数: 1365
      Primiparous sows’ reproductive performance in three years including the litter size, number born alive,death litter size, number of mummies, number of fetal malformation and number of weak piglets were collected, and the effect of different estrum on sows’reproductive performance were analyzed. Compared to the sows of the primary mating in the second estrum, the differences of the average litter size were not obvious among the sows of the primary mating in the third and fourth estrum, the survival number was increased remarkably, primary mating breeding rate has a remarkable increase, less differences in the average dead number, obvious reduction of the mummy number and less differences in the weak piglets number. Consequently, with postponing entering of the estrum properly and increasing the conditions of the estrum, the survival piglets number can be improved,the average mummy number can be lowered,which improved the breeding rate of the sows.
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