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Review on genetic improvement ofsugarcane( Saccharum spp.)
中文关键词: 甘蔗  遗传改良  基因组学  转基因  分子标记辅助育种
英文关键词: sugarcane  genetic improvement  genomics  transgenics  marker-assisted breeding
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2014A030304012, 2014A020208012,2015A030302009);湛江市科技计划项目 (2014A03020,2015A03014);广东省农机农艺配套甘蔗良 种选育关键技术创新能力建设项目(粤农计[2015]6 号)
文明富,杨俊贤,潘方胤,吴文龙,陈月桂,官锦燕 广东省科学院广州甘蔗糖业研究所广东 广州 510316 
摘要点击次数: 1804
全文下载次数: 892
      甘蔗属于多年生热带亚热带的大型草本植物,是公认的将光能转化为化学能效率最高的植物之 一。甘蔗作为重要的糖料和能源作物,品种改良一直以来都受到人们极大的重视,甘蔗传统育种和品种配套栽 培技术大大提高了蔗茎产量和蔗糖分含量。近年来,生物技术的发展与应用为甘蔗遗传改良提供了很大的帮 助。为了便于育种人员充分了解甘蔗遗传改良的研究进展,针对甘蔗常规育种、基因组学、转基因技术及分子 标记辅助育种等研究方向进行了阐述。
      Sugarcane( Saccharum spp.) is a large-stature perennial grass that is cultivated in tropical and semitropical regions of the world,and it is one of the most efficient crops in the world in converting energy from sunlight into chemical energy. Global interest in sugarcane genetic improvement has increased significantly due to its economic impact on sustainable energy and sugar production. Sugarcane traditional breeding and cultivation techniques have contributed to a huge increase in sugarcane yield and sucrose content. In recent years,efforts to improve sugarcane have focused on the development of biotechnology for this crop. It is very critical to know information about genetic improvement of sugarcane for the breeder. In this paper,the progress in conventional breeding,genomics,transgenics and markerassisted breeding for genetic improvement of sugarcane were reviewed.
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