许汉亮,林明江,李继虎,胡玉伟,黄志武,毛玉玲,管楚雄.甘蔗害虫绿色防控技术研究 进展及技术体系的构建[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(6):132-137
查看全文    HTML 甘蔗害虫绿色防控技术研究 进展及技术体系的构建
Progress of green management of sugarcane pestand its technology system
中文关键词: 甘蔗害虫  性诱剂  赤眼蜂  杀虫灯  绿色防控  技术集成
英文关键词: sugarcane pest  sex attractant  Trichogramma  pest killing lamp  green management  technology integration
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2014A020208026, 2015A020209024);广东省现代甘蔗种业创新能力建设项 目(粤科规财字[2014]208 号)
许汉亮,林明江,李继虎,胡玉伟,黄志武,毛玉玲,管楚雄 广州甘蔗糖业研究所/ 广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室广东 广州 510316 
摘要点击次数: 1852
全文下载次数: 1102
      介绍了甘蔗主要害虫绿色防控关键技术研究进展。应用性诱剂或灯光进行监测,建立虫情监测网 络,提出以性诱剂、赤眼蜂、杀虫灯、高效低毒杀虫剂等关键技术的协调应用,构建甘蔗害虫绿色防控技术集 成模式。以虫情测报为指导,在甘蔗生长前期施用高效低毒杀虫剂防治主要害虫、利用性诱剂诱杀防控螟虫, 在中期及中后期针对螟虫实施以性诱剂和赤眼蜂协调应用关键技术、针对天牛和金龟子使用灯光诱杀防控技 术,并加强田间管理。以期减少化学农药使用量,充分利用和发挥天敌资源作用,营造良性的蔗田生态环境, 实现甘蔗害虫的可持续控制。
      The paper introduced the progress of green management of sugarcane pest in China. The technology system contains pest detection,mating disruption,pest killing lamps,and high effect and low toxic pesticides. The management system contains three steps based on occurrence and damage characteristic. Firstly,we use sex attractant for detection and monitoring. Then,based on the data of monitoring,agricultural techniques,high effect and low toxic chemical pesticides,biological control,and sex pheromone with air permeation and attract-and kill techniques are integrated to manage these pests. Lastly,mating disruption with sex pheromone is used. This technology system aims to reduce the chemical pesticides,play natural effects role,build recyclable ecological environment,and achieve the sustainable management of sugarcane borer.
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