查看全文    HTML 中国菠萝出口市场环境分析
Research on the export market environmentof China pineapple
中文关键词: 菠萝  出口  市场环境
英文关键词: pineapple  export  market environment
基金项目::国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费 (20120321)
刘海清1,2,姜文来1 1. 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所北京 100081 2. 中国热带农业科学院科技信息研究所海南 儋州 571737 
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全文下载次数: 935
      为了分析中国菠萝出口的市场环境,提升中国菠萝产品的国际市场占有率,在全面分析鲜或干菠 萝、其他制作或保藏菠萝以及菠萝汁三类菠萝产品的出口贸易量、出口贸易额的基础上,归纳出中国三类菠萝 产品出口贸易市场格局;总结出中国三类菠萝产品出口的国际市场定位及其出口的潜力,欧盟、北美自贸区等 是中国菠萝产品出口的主力市场,独联体是中国菠萝产品出口的起步型市场;最后从优化产品结构、利用“绿 箱”政策、发展产业化经营、明确市场定位等方面提出提升中国菠萝产品出口的对策建议。
      In order to analyze the export market environment of China pineapple,and to promote the international market share of Chinese pineapple products,this article analyzes the export trade quantity and value of fresh or dried pineapple,other production or preservation of pineapple and pineapple juice three kinds of pineapple products at first, then for the three kinds of pineapple products,their export trade market structure of China,the international market positioning and the export potential of the three kinds of pineapple products were summced up,the European Union and North American Free Trade Area should be China's main export market of pineapple products,Commonwealth of Independent States( CIS) is the starting type of Chinese pineapple products export market. Finally some suggestions were put forward from the optimization of product structure,the use of Green Box Policies,the development of industrialization,and clear market positioning,etc.
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