孙丽霞1,杨雷亮1,2,吴颖儿1,李华平2,管 维1,邱德义1,陈定虎1,王章根1.广东省烟草主栽品种病毒病抗性评价[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(7):18-24
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Evaluation on the resistance to tobacco virus disease of tobacco dominating cultivars in Guangdong province
中文关键词: 广东省  烟草  品种  病毒病  抗性  评价
英文关键词: Guangdong province  tobacco  cultivars  tobacco virus disease  resistance  evaluation
基金项目:广东烟草专卖局项目;国家质量监督检验检疫总局科技计划项目(2015IK081);国家质量监督检验检 疫总局质检公益性行业科研专项(201410080)
孙丽霞1,杨雷亮1,2,吴颖儿1,李华平2,管 维1,邱德义1,陈定虎1,王章根1 (1. 中山出入境检验检疫局广东 中山 5284002. 华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 510642) 
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      为测定广东省7 个烟草主栽品种对TMV 和CMV 的抗性情况,采用TMV 侵染的普通烟叶系列稀释液(CK、1∶10、1∶100、1∶1 000、1∶10 000、1∶100 000)作浓度梯度,选用K326 作中感品种对照,机械摩擦接种法接种7 个烟草品种(K326、云烟87、RG17、9601、9032、MSK326、MS96-7)。同时,对不同烟草品种选用评价浓度1∶40 稀释度进行CMV 接种,对接种后20 d 的病情指数和9 d 的发病率进行分析。结果表明:从各项自然及接种TMV 后的农艺产量性状来看,云烟87、RG17 和9601 表现相对较好。其中以1∶10 000 稀释度作为评价浓度进行攻毒接种,接种70 d 后的病情指数: MS96-7 最低为81.06,9032最高为95.46;接种30 d 后统计发病率: MS96-7 最低为71.21%,RG17 最高为100.00%。其中MS96-7 表现 为中抗,云烟87 、RG17、9601、9032、K326 和MSK326 表现为中感;云烟87 抗CMV 扩展特性最强,9601抗CMV 扩展特性最弱;RG17 为CMV 高感品种,其余5 个(含新育成的品种MS96-7、MSK326)为CMV中感至高感间的品种。总体上,没有一个品种表现对TMV 免疫或高抗水平,同时,也没有一个品种表现对CMV 免疫、高抗或中抗水平。
      In order to evaluate the resistance to TMV and CMV of 7 main cultivars from Guangdong province,by using concentration grades( 0,1∶10,1∶100,1∶1 000,1∶10 000,1∶100 000) of TMV-infected tobacco leaves as contrasts on Nicotiana glutinosa,the seedlings of 7 cultivars of tobacco( K326,YUNYAN87,RG17,9601,9032,MSK326,MS96-7),were respectively inoculated at the concentration of 1∶10 000 by method of common friction inoculation. According to the results of agricultural product characters on the 70th day after inoculation,YUNYAN87,RG17 and 9601 were better in agricultural product characters;According to the DI(Disease index) on the 70th day after inoculation,MS96-7 was the lowest( 81.06),and 9032 was the highest(95.46);According to the incidence of disease on the 30th day after inoculation,MS96-7 was the lowest(71.21%),RG17 was the highest( 100.00%). There was no immune or high-resistant cultivar to TMV in Guangdong province,and MS96-7 was identified as middle-resistant cultivar to TMV,the others( K326, YUNYAN87,RG17,9601,9032,MSK326) were identified as middle-susceptible cultivars. By using method of common friction inoculation,tobacco seedlings of 7 cultivars were respectively inoculated by CMV at the concentration of 1:40 dilution. From the results of DI on the 20th day after inoculation,the percentage of seedlings with classic symptom on the 9th day after inoculation,YUNYAN87 was identified as the most resistant to the movement of CMV among 7 cultivars,9601 was identified as the most susceptible cultivar among 7 cultivars. And RG17 was identified as the high-susceptible cultivar,the resistant levels of others were middle and high-susceptible to CMV. There was no immune,high-resistant cultivar to TMV in Guangdong province,and there was no immune, high-resistant or middle-resistant cultivar to CMV.
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