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Effects of different levels of aluminum on growth of Chinese fir seedlings
中文关键词: 杉木〔Cunninghamia Lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.〕  铝胁迫  生长  叶绿素  铝含量
英文关键词: Chinese fir  aluminum stress  growth  chlorophyll  aluminum content
许小丽1,崔朋辉2,林思祖3,张金彪1,2 (1. 福建农林大学资源与环境学院福建 福州 3500022. 福建农林大学生命科学学院福建 福州 3500023. 福建农林大学林学院福建 福州 350002) 
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      采用土壤盆栽试验,研究不同供铝水平下杉木幼苗各生长指标、叶片中叶绿素含量和铝含量 的变化情况。结果表明,随着铝浓度的增加,杉木幼苗的苗高和生物量表现出先上升后下降的变化趋势,且 均在铝浓度为50 mg/kg 时达到最大值,并在此浓度后随着铝浓度的增加开始下降,并在铝浓度为150 mg/kg 时,开始对这些指标出现抑制作用;杉木根长也随着铝浓度的增加而表现出先上升后下降的变化趋势,且 在铝浓度为100 mg/kg 时达到最大值,在铝浓度为150 mg/kg 时,根长明显低于空白对照,表明在此浓度下 根长受抑制作用显著;铝胁迫下杉木幼苗叶片的叶绿素含量与苗高和生物量的变化趋势类似,且叶绿素a 受铝的影响比叶绿素b 大;杉木叶片铝含量则表现出随着铝浓度的升高而逐渐升高的变化趋势,但在低浓 度铝下的叶片铝含量增量不明显,当铝浓度为150 mg/kg 时,叶片铝含量明显增加,而此浓度对杉木苗高、 生物量和叶绿素含量抑制作用明显,均低于对照。
      Soil pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of aluminum on growth of seedlings of Chinese fir. The changes in growth indexes,content of leaf chlorophyll and leaf aluminum in seedlings of Chinese fir at different aluminum concentrations were observed and analyzed statistically. The aluminum concentrations set up were 0,50,100,150 and 200 mg/kg,respectively. The results showed that both seedling height and biomass increased initially and then decreased subsequently with the increase of aluminum concentration. The peak value appeared at the concentration of 50 mg/kg and then decreased with the increase of aluminum concentration. Inhibition was observed when the aluminum concentration was 150 mg/kg. Root length showed a similar pattern in response to aluminum except that the peak value appeared at aluminum concentration of 100 mg/kg. A significant decrease in root length was observed,compared with the control,when the concentration of aluminum reached at 150 mg/kg, indicating that the root growth was significantly inhibited at this concentration. There was the same change tendency for chlorophyll content as both the biomass and seedling length under aluminum stress. It also showed that chlorophylla content changed more than chlorophyll b. Aluminum content in leave raised with the increase of aluminum concentration. However,the change was less at low aluminum concentration and much more at 150 mg/kg. At this higher concentration,the seedling height,biomass and chlorophyll content were inhibited significantly and the values were less than the control.
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