张 琳,刘胜洪,周玲艳,董安强,梁 红.稀土矿场修复区植物群落特征研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(7):73-80
查看全文    HTML 稀土矿场修复区植物群落特征研究
Characteristics of plant community in restored rare earth mine area
中文关键词: 稀土矿场  植物修复  植物群落  物种多样性  微环境
英文关键词: rare earth mine area  phytoremediation  plant community  species diversity  microenvironment
张 琳,刘胜洪,周玲艳,董安强,梁 红 (仲恺农业工程学院生命科学学院广东 广州 510225) 
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      为比较不同微环境条件对稀土矿场植物群落多样性影响,选取广东省平远县仁居镇稀土矿场 人工植被修复区5 种不同环境的植物样地,每个样地取5 个样方(5.0 m×5.0 m):向阳、远离水源(样地 1),向阳、靠近水源(样地2),背风、坡地(样地3);背阴、靠近水源(样地4),修复区中心平地(样地 5),并对该5 种样地进行植物群落结构调查和植物物种多样性分析。结果发现矿场修复区共有12 种植物、 隶属9 科11 属,5 种样地中均为芒草的数量最多,其中样地1 的芒草数量达到420 株,相对盖度、相对密 度、相对频度和重要值分别为11.43%、89.55%、100%、0.67;经过对矿区修复区植被群落多样性比较发现, 样地2 的植物多样性最高,Pielou 多样性指数和Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为0.42、0.89。样地间的相似性比 较分析发现,样地1、2 之间相似性最高(0.77),样地1、4 及样地3、5 之间的相似性最低(均为0.22), 维恩关系图分析显示芒草(Miscanthus sinensis)为5 个样地中的共同优势种。调查结果表明,芒草在稀土矿 场修复过程中具有较强的优势,光照和水源对矿场修复区物种的数量和多样性影响较大。
      In order to compare the diversity of plant communities in the restored rare earth mine area,we selected five plant sample plots with different environment,at Renju town,Pingyuan County,Guangdong Province and then chose five quadrats in each plot,as follows: sample plot 1 with a sunny exposure and away from water,sample plot 2 with a sunny exposure and close to water,sample plot 3 with a leeward slope,sample plot 4 with a shadow near the water,sample plot 5 was a plot in the center of the mine,then investigated the plant community structure and analyzed the diversity of plants species in each plot. The results found that,there were 12 species, subordinated to 9 families,11 generas in the restoration region,Miscanthus sinensis was the dominant in every plot,especially in the sample plot 1,the number of M. sinensis reached 420,the relative coverage degrees was 11.43%,relative density was 89.55%,relative frequency was 100% and important value was 0.67. By comparing the plant diversity in different sample plots,we found that sample plot 2 had the highest diversity, its Pielou index and Shannon-Wiener index were 0.42 and 0.89. The comparison of plots’ similarity showed that the similarity(0.77) of plot 1 and plot 2 were the highest,that of plot 1 and 4,plot 3 and 5 were the lowest(0.22). Venn diagram analysis showed that M. sinensis was the common and dominant species in the restored rare earth mine area. The results indicated that,M. sinensis was the dominant species in the rare earth mine,light and water had great influences on the plant number and species diversity .
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