伦演鹏1,田伟金2,3,杨悦屏2,3,唐 孜1,曾环标2,3,庄天勇3,柯云玲3.d- 柠檬烯混合油剂对红火蚁的毒力及灭巢效果[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(7):93-99
查看全文    HTML d- 柠檬烯混合油剂对红火蚁的毒力及灭巢效果
Toxicity and individual mound treatment effect of d-limonene on red imported fire ant(Solenopsis invicta Buren)
中文关键词: d- 柠檬烯  红火蚁  毒力  单蚁巢处理
英文关键词: d-limonene  Solenopsis invicta Buren  toxicity  individual mound treatment
伦演鹏1,田伟金2,3,杨悦屏2,3,唐 孜1,曾环标2,3,庄天勇3,柯云玲3 (1. 广州市花都区农业技术管理中心广东 广州 5108002. 广州粤昆源生物科技发展有限公司广东 广州 5102603. 广东省昆虫研究所广东 广州 510260) 
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      d- 柠檬烯是从芸香科植物中提取出的一种具有杀虫活性的天然单萜烯类化合物。以d- 柠檬烯 为有效成分并配以食品级植物油制成的80%、85% 和90% d- 柠檬烯混合油剂对红火蚁有翅繁殖蚁、工蚁、 卵和蛹均具有良好的毒杀作用,其中90% d- 柠檬烯混合油剂的效果最理想。各浓度d- 柠檬烯混合油剂对 红火蚁工蚁的作用时间均远小于有翅繁殖蚁。以单蚁巢处理的方式施用90% d- 柠檬烯混合油剂,每蚁巢投 放吸收了10 mL 混合油剂的海绵,药后7 d 灭巢率达97.44%(±2.56)%,与对照药剂0.1% 氟虫腈粉剂灭 巢率97.22%(±2.78)% 差异不显著。以该方法施用90% d- 柠檬烯混合油剂灭杀红火蚁巢效果显著,而 且比传统的灌巢方法更简便。
      D-limonene is a Rutacea plant-derived monoterpene with pesticide properties. A formulation containing d-limonene(as active ingredient) and edible plant oil was assessed on its efficacy on red imported fire ant(Solenopsis invicta Buren). The toxicity of mixtures containing 80%,85% and 90% d-limonene on fire ants was evaluated in laboratory. All mixtures demonstrated excellent insecticidal effects on reproductive alates,workers,eggs and pupae of fire ants,and the effect of the mixture containing 90% d-limonene was the best. The time of all mixtures for killing workers was much shorter than that for killing alates. The effect of the mixture containing 90% d-limonene as an individual mound treatment was then evaluated. The mixture was applied by a unique method,that a sponge soaking up 10 mL mixture was immediately put into the core of ant mound after rapidly poking a Φ 3 cm hole into
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