查看全文    HTML 狭果秤锤树种群年龄结构和空间分布格局研究
Study on age structure and spatial distribution pattern of Sinojackia rehderiana population
中文关键词: 濒危树种  狭果秤锤树  年龄结构  空间分布格局
英文关键词: endangered tree species  Sinojackia rehderiana  age structure  spatial distribution pattern
徐惠明,谢国文,王业磷,王昌升,潘柱强 广州大学生命科学学院广东 广州 510006 
摘要点击次数: 2212
全文下载次数: 355
      对江西永修狭果秤锤树种群径级结构和空间分布格局进行调查和分析,结果表明:该地狭果秤锤树种群年龄结构总体呈现“反J”型趋势,即是增长型;群落个体的存活曲线大致为Deevey Ⅰ型,即凸型曲线,表明该种群中的年幼个体比成年个体更容易存活;但静态生命表显示,从年幼个体到老年个体的死亡率变化规律不明显,可能存在未知的的生物学因素导致该现象出现。对于种群密度大的样地,空间分布格局特征不明显,而对于受人类活动影响大、种群密度小的样地,则明显呈现集群分布特征。从年龄结构和空间分布特点来看,研究地的狭果秤锤树种群生存状况受人类活动影响大,除该物种本身的生物学因素外,人类活动是制约种群发展的重要因素,减少人类活动对其影响是保护该物种的重要措施之一。
      The age structrue and spatial distribution pattern of population of endangered tree species Sinojackia rehderiana in Yongxiu,Northern Jiangxi Province were studied. The results showed that the age structure of the population reveraled a "reversed J" trend,which was a increasing one. The individual survival curve of the population was Ⅰ Deevey type,just convex tpye,which showed that young individuals were more likely to survive than adult ones. The static life table showed that there was no obvious regular pattern of mortality change from young individuals to the elderly,there may be some unknown biological factors,which resulted in the phenomenon. For the samples with high population density,the spatial distribution pattern was not obvious. For the samples affected a lot by human's activities and with a low population density,the spatial distribution pattern showed obvious cluster distribution. The age structure and spatial distibution pattern of population showed that,the living condition of S.rehderiana was affected by human's activity. The human's activity was an important factor restricting the development of population. So,ignoring the inner biological factors,reducing the impact of human's action on the species were important measures to protect the species.
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