乔 斌,何彤慧,于 骥,吴春燕.赖草种群有性生殖期构件生物量动态变化研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(8):80-85
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Study on modular biomass dynamic changes of Leymus secalinus population in sexual reproductive stage
中文关键词: 赖草种群  构件  生物量  根冠比  动态变化
英文关键词: Leymus secalimus population  module  biomass  root-shoot ratio  dynamic change
乔 斌,何彤慧,于 骥,吴春燕 宁夏大学西北土地退化与生态恢复国家重点实验室培育基地宁夏 银川 750021 
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      以银川平原常见禾草赖草(Leymus secalinus)为研究对象,通过野外调查与采样、实验室分析,探究了赖草种群有性生殖期构件生物量配置格局变化、动态变化及根冠比。结果表明:(1)在构件生物量配置格局动态方面,茎秆构件生物量、有性生殖构件生物量的配置比例呈现倒“V”型变化规律;根茎构件生物量即地下生物量所占比例大且呈现“V”型变化,叶构件生物量的配置比例变化幅度不大。(2)在构件生物量动态变化方面,叶构件生物量呈现波动下降趋势,茎杆构件生物量为单峰曲线变化,有性生殖构件生物量表现为倒“V”型,根茎构件生物量则呈现缓慢下降趋势,总生物量变化也呈现下降趋势,6~9月依次116.02、105.66、98.22、73.23 g/m2;根冠比(R/S)从6~9 月依次为1.1882、1.0461、0.7933、1.0742,季节波动较大,6 月地下生物量最大时,根冠比(R/S)也最大,8 月地上生物量最大时,根冠比(R/S)则最小。(3)构件生物量之间存在极显著相关或显著相关,体现出整体性的生存策略。
      In this study,the dynamic changes and configuration pattern changes of modular biomass and rootshoot ratio of Leymus secalimus,a common grass in Yinchuan Plain were explored by field sampling and laboratory analysis. The results showed that the modular biomass and root-shoot ratio of L. secalimus population reflected the dynamic changes in sexual reproduction stage. The timely adjustment of biomass distribution reflected its investment allocation strategy,which continued for the species to survive and reproduce. In allocation pattern dynamics of the modular biomass,allocation ratio of stem biomass,flower and seed biomass showed inverted“ V” type variation;rhizome biomass(belowground biomass)accounted for a large configuration,reflecting“ V” type change;allocation ratio of leaf biomass reflected little change. In terms of the dynamic changes of modular biomass,leaf biomass had the volatility decline,stem biomass showed a single peak curve,monthly flower and seed biomass of allocation pattern showed inverted“V”type,rhizome biomass showed a slow downward trend,the change of total biomass also showed a downward trend,from June to September followed by 116.02 g/m2,105.66 g/m2,98.22 g/m2,73.23 g/m2. Root-shoot ratios were 1.1882,1.0461,0.7933,1.0742 from June to September,reflecting seasonal fluctuations. In June,the underground biomass was the maximum,root-shoot ratio also displayed the maximum. In August,the aboveground biomass was the maximum,root-shoot ratio shows the opposite result.
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