于 洋.农村新型合作金融需求意愿调查与分析——以辽宁省盘锦市金融试点地区为例[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(8):186-192
查看全文    HTML 农村新型合作金融需求意愿调查与分析——以辽宁省盘锦市金融试点地区为例
Survey and analysis on demand for new rural cooperative finance —A case study of financial pilot areas in Panjin city,Liaoning province
中文关键词: 合作金融  需求意愿  Logistic 模型  农村
英文关键词: cooperative finance  demand willingness  Logistic model  rural area
于 洋 辽宁对外经贸学院国际经贸学院辽宁 大连 116052 
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      在辽宁省盘锦市农村新型合作金融试点的背景下,对合作资金互助样本村、镇的442 户农民与小微企业进行实地访谈和问卷调查,并通过构建离散数据Logistic 模型分析了当前我国农户对合作金融的需求意愿及主要影响因素。结果表明,现阶段我国合作金融惠农的主要约束是对农村弱势群体与精英阶层合作的欠规范性。结合农户多元化的融资成本需求,从制定多样化的合作金融模式、完善产权制度和健全内部治理、规范外部环境层面提出现阶段我国新型合作金融的推进重点,以期为政府制定金融政策和支农战略提供有力支撑。
      In this paper,under the background of Liaoning pilot,samples of 442 farmer households and small micro-enterprises participated in cooperative finance pilot village,town were taken as object to conduct the data via interviews and questionnaires. By constructing discrete data Logistic model,the current farmer’s behavior and the main influencing factors to participate in cooperative financial organization were analyzed.Results showed that farmers’ financial investment channel was wider beyond the traditional production mode at present. At the same time,there was an important constraint in financial cooperation with the elite and rural social vulnerable groups. We put forward to diversify its financial model of cooperation according to farmers’ diversified demand. Further to improve the system of property rights,the internal governance and the external environment standardizing would be the key to guarantee the new financial organization innovation,in order to support agricultural strategy for the government and financial institutions to improve the cooperation of financial policy.
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