莫俊杰,梁钾贤,胡汉桥,黄 红,陈 妤.芋头过氧化物酶基因克隆[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(9):37-43
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Cloning of peroxidase gene in taro
中文关键词: 芋头  过氧化物酶基因  hiTAIL-PCR  克隆
英文关键词: taro  peroxidase gene  hiTAIL-PCR  cloning
莫俊杰,梁钾贤,胡汉桥,黄 红,陈 妤 (广东海洋大学农学院广东 湛江 524088) 
摘要点击次数: 2061
全文下载次数: 886
      根据芋头的密码子使用频率,用 iCODEHOP 设计简并引物扩增芋头过氧化物酶基因序列,待 芋头过氧化物酶基因非侧翼序列扩增成功后,依据其序列合成 hiTAIL-PCR 引物扩增芋头过氧化物酶基因 的两侧序列。结果从芋头基因组DNA 中克隆出 1 165 bp 序列,经同源性分析为过氧化物酶基因的部分序 列;再利用hiTAIL-PCR 技术可以扩增出芋头过氧化物酶基因的两侧序列,扩增序列为 689 bp,测序结果 能与1 165 bp 序列拼接到一起,长1 854 bp。与已知的过氧化物酶进行序列比对,发现两侧还有氨基酸的编 码序列,因此进行第2 次hiTAIL-PCR,扩增出165 bp 芋头过氧化物酶基因的侧翼序列,拼接后得到2 019 bp。用Softberry 上的基因预测软件分析后,发现包含过氧化物酶4 个外显子,同源性分析表明,此过氧化物 酶基因为含血红素的第三类过氧化物酶。
      The taro peroxidase gene sequence was amplified using degenerate primers which were designed by iCODEHOP according to the taro codon usage frequency. And the peroxidase gene non-flanking sequence was amplified successfully. Then the peroxidase gene flanking sequences were amplified by hiTAIL-PCR primers which were designed on the basis of the non-flanking sequence. As a result,1 165 bp sequences were successfully cloned from taro genomic DNA,and it was affirmed that they were part of the sequences of peroxidase gene by homology analysis. Then by hiTAIL-PCR technology,the peroxidase gene flanking sequences were amplified,and 689 bp sequences were amplified. The Sequencing result could be spliced together with the 1 165 bp sequences. And the amplified taro peroxidase gene sequences spliced together with its flanking sequences were 1 854 bp. Sequence alignment with known peroxidase,we found that there were amino acid coding sequences on both sides of the amplification sequences. So,the hiTAIL-PCR technology was used as the second time,and 165 bp sequences were amplified. Spliced together with the 1 854 bp sequences,the amplified taro peroxidase gene sequences were 2 019 bp. With the gene on softberry prediction software analysis,it was found that the sequences contained 4 peroxidase exons. Homology analysis showed that the peroxidase gene was Class III heme-containing peroxidase.
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