查看全文    HTML 贡柑果皮显微结构及其对贮藏温度的响应研究
Pericarp microstructure of‘ Gonggan’ mandarin(Citrus reticulata) fruit and its responses to different temperatures
中文关键词: 贡柑  贮藏温度  果皮  显微结构  响应
英文关键词: ‘Gonggan’ mandarin  storage temperature  paicarp  microstructure  response
徐呈祥,郑福庆,马艳萍,陈莹莹 (肇庆学院生命科学学院广东 肇庆 526061) 
摘要点击次数: 2016
全文下载次数: 885
      成熟的贡柑果实采后装在保鲜袋中于室温下贮藏30 d,果皮上的蜡被近乎完全消失,表皮层厚 度大幅减小,黄皮层显著变薄,白皮层显著增厚,油胞囊腔内径扩大;室温下贮藏90 d,保持健康的贡柑果 实已无明显的表皮层,中果皮厚度显著减小,尤其黄皮层厚度及所占比例大幅减小,细胞间隙显著扩大,白 皮层靠近内果皮的细胞更加稀疏化,油胞囊明显凹陷而内径进一步扩大。在两种低温下贮藏,贡柑果皮厚 度前期增大,但果皮各部分显微结构的变化不明显,冷藏期愈长低温对其果皮的保护作用愈显著。结果表 明,贡柑采后前期果皮新陈代谢旺盛,冷藏对其果皮结构和功能的保护作用突出,主要机制是对其果皮蜡 被、黄皮层及其内油胞囊的有效保护。
      The waxy layer of‘ Gonggan’mandarin stored for 30 d at room temperature almost disappeared, epidermis thickness decreased dramatically,yellow layer significantly thinned,white layer thickened significantly, and inner diameter of oil capsule cavity expanded. Stored for 90 d at room temperature,evident epidermis of the still healthy‘ Gonggan’mandarin fruit was not observed, mesocarp thickness significantly decreased,especially the yellow layer thickness and its proportion,cell gap significantly expanded,cells near endocarp of the white layer were more sparse,further expansion of the inner diameter of oil capsule cavity was evident,and evident hollowness was observed in the part of epidermis near oil capsule cavity. Stored at low temperatures,the pericarp thickness of ‘Gonggan’mandarin fruit increased while microstructure changes of each part of pericarp was much smaller in earlier stage,the longer the cold storage period,the more significant the protective effect of low temperature on the pericarp of‘ Gonggan’mandarin fruit. These results indicated that the physiological metabolism of pericarp of ‘Gonggan’mandarin fruit postharvest was still strong in early storage period,the protective effects of low temperature storage on structure and function of fruit pericarp were very prominent,the recession of cuticle wax was very important for the fresh-keeping effect of‘ Gonggan’mandarin fruit,and significantly protective effect on structure and function of yellow layer and oil capsules of mesocarp was the another important mechanism of cold preservation of fruit postharvest.
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