查看全文    HTML 颗粒土壤改良剂制备及崩解特性研究
Preparation of granular soil conditioner and its disintegration characteristics
中文关键词: 磷矿粉  沸石粉  圆盘造粒  崩解试验
英文关键词: phosphate rock powder  zeolite  disc granulation  disintegration test
基金项目:国家自然科学基金( 51374136) ;新疆维吾尔自治区科技支疆项目(2016E02020);山东省自主创新成果转化重大专项(2013ZHZX1A0307)
潘贤斌1,2,何振全2,3,盖国胜2,3,杨玉芬2,3 (1.西安建筑科技大学材料与矿资学院陕西 西安 7100552.清华大学无锡应用技术研究院江苏 无锡 2140723.清华大学材料学院粉体工程研究室北京 100084) 
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      以微晶化磷矿粉、沸石粉为主要原料,通过圆盘造粒和崩解试验分别研究了微晶化处理时间、 磷矿粉与沸石粉质量比、颗粒粒径以及粘结剂Ⅰ、崩解剂Ⅱ添加量对造粒与崩解性能的影响。结果发现: 随着磷矿粉细度和沸石含量的减小,成粒率增加。研磨3h,磷矿粉与沸石质量比1∶0 较1∶30 成粒率增加 14.16%,但1∶30 与1∶15 处理成粒率相差不大,仅为2.88%;当质量比为1∶0 时,研磨3 h 成粒率相比1 h 增加15.16%,但4 h 成粒率仅比3 h 成粒率增加1.08%。当颗粒粒径大小为3~5 mm 时,研磨4 h 质量比 1∶15 崩解时间为31 s,相比研磨1 h 制备的颗粒崩解时间增加72.2%;此外颗粒大小对颗粒崩解时间也有 影响,同一条件下崩解时间排序为:5~10 mm > 3~5 mm > 1~3 mm 处理。
      The effects of different types of materials,fineness,the mass ratio of phosphate rock powder and zeolite,particle size,and the amount of bentonite and attapulgite on the properties of granulation and disintegration were studied. It was found that the rate of grain increased with the decrease of fineness and content of zeolite. Grinding for 3 h,the rate of grain increased by 14.16% when the mass ratio of phosphate rock powder and zeolite was 1∶1 compared to the ratio of 1∶30,however 1∶30 group had no significant difference with 1∶15 group,only 2.88%; When the mass ratio was 1∶0,the rate of grain increased by 15.16% for grinding 3 h compared to 1 h,but only 1.08% compared to 4 h. When the particle size was 3-5 mm and the mass ratio was 1∶15,the disintegration time of particle was 31 s,which increased by 72.2% when the grinding time changed from 4 h to 1 h. In addition,the particle size of particle also had an impact on the disintegration time,the disintegration time under the same conditions were sorted as follows:5-10 mm group > 3-5 mm group > 1-3 mm group.
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