白 蕤1,李 宁2,张 蕾3,钟曼茜4,陈汇林1,刘少军1,王 斌1.气象因子对海南稻飞虱发生的影响[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(9):90-97
查看全文    HTML 气象因子对海南稻飞虱发生的影响
Influences of meteorological factors on rice planthopper occurrence in Hainan province
中文关键词: 气象因子  海南  稻飞虱  温度  降水
英文关键词: meteorological factor  Hainan  rice planthopper  temperature  precipitation
基金项目:国家公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201206019);国家自然科学基金(41465005,41265007);海南省气象局青年基金( HNQXQN201504)
白 蕤1,李 宁2,张 蕾3,钟曼茜4,陈汇林1,刘少军1,王 斌1 (1. 海南省气象科学研究所/ 海南热带农业气象试验站海南 海口 5702032. 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所海南 海口 5711013. 国家气象中心北京 1000814. 海南大学园艺园林学院海南 海口 570228) 
摘要点击次数: 2005
全文下载次数: 794
      基于1961—2010 年海南18 个气象站点气象资料、海南稻飞虱发生资料以及水稻种植面积等 资料,采用相关分析方法、多元回归方法对海南水稻稻飞虱发生面积与气象因子的关系进行研究,量化了 气象因子变化对稻飞虱发生的影响。结果表明:近50 年来,海南稻飞虱发生面积以平均104 hm2/10a 的速度 增长,其发生面积率距平与年平均温度、年高温日数、年降水量、年平均降水强度和年暴雨日数距平呈显著 正相关;与年日照时数、年平均风速、年平均相对湿度距平呈显著负相关。与中国其他稻作地区相比,海南 稻飞虱发生面积率与温度的相关性较弱,与降水的相关性更强。
      Based on the observation data of 18 meteorological stations,as well as the diseases and rice planthopper data and planted rice areas data in Hainan in 1961-2010,by the method of correlation analysis and the multiple regression,this paper analyzed the effects of meteorological factors changes on occurrence of rice planthopper. The results showed that the rice planthopper occurrence area had an average increase of 104 hm2 every 10 years in Hainan in recent 50 years. There were significant positive correlations between the rate anomaly of rice planthopper occurrence area and that of mean annual air temperature,high temperature days,precipitation, precipitation intensity and rainstorm days. The rate anomaly of rice planthopper occurrence area had significant negative correlations with that of annual sunshine hours,average speed of wind and relative humidity.Compared with other rice cropping regions in China,the temperature presented a weak correlation,while the precipitation presented a strong correlation with the ratio of rice planthopper occurrence area in Hainan. The risk zoning result in the research is basically consistent with the actual production in tropical regions.
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