刘燕德,胡 军,欧阳玉平,朱丹宁,韩如冰,肖怀春,吴明明,孙旭东.赣南脐橙可溶性固形物近红外光谱在线无损检测[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(9):105-111
查看全文    HTML 赣南脐橙可溶性固形物近红外光谱在线无损检测
Online detection of soluble solids content for Gannan navel by visible-near infrared diffuse transmission spectroscopy
中文关键词: 近红外光谱  漫透射  赣南脐橙  可溶性固形物  最小二乘支持向量机
英文关键词: near infrared spectroscopy  diffuse transmission  Gannan navel orange  soluble solids content  least squares support vector machine
基金项目:“十二五”国家863 计划项目(SS2012AA101306);江西省优势科技创新团队建设计划项目(20153BCB24002);南方山地果园智能化管理技术与装备协同创新中心项目(赣教高字[2014]60 号)
刘燕德,胡 军,欧阳玉平,朱丹宁,韩如冰,肖怀春,吴明明,孙旭东 (华东交通大学机电工程学院江西 南昌 330013) 
摘要点击次数: 1930
全文下载次数: 787
      通过应用近红外漫透射光谱技术结合最小二乘支持向量机等算法,探索脐橙可溶性固形物含 量在线无损检测的可行性。139 个样本被分成建模集和预测集(103∶36),分别用于建立检测模型和验证 检测模型的预测能力。漫透射近红外光谱,经过一阶微分、多元散射校正和移动窗口平滑组合预处理后,分 别建立了偏最小二乘、偏最小二乘支持向量机模型,经比较发现,偏最小二乘支持向量机模型的预测能力 更强,模型预测的均方根误差和相关系数分别为0.6423%、0.9059。通过对比发现,主成分分析和径向基函 数有利于提高最小二乘支持向量机模型的预测能力。结果表明:采用近红外漫透射光谱技术结合最小二乘 支持向量机算法能够很好地实现脐橙可溶性固形物含量的在线无损检测。
      The feasibility was investigated for online detection of soluble solids content(SSC) of Gannan navel orange by visible-near infrared(visible-NIR) diffuse transmission spectroscopy coupled with least square support vector machine(LS-SVM) algorithm. 139 samples were divided into the calibration and prediction sets(103∶ 36)for developing calibration models and assessing their performance. The partial least square(PLS) regression and LS-SVM model were developed with the pretreatment by the combination of first derivative(1D),Smoothing and multiplicative scattering correction(MSC). The new samples of prediction set were applied to evaluate the performance of the model. Compared with PLS model,the performance of LS-SVM model was better with the root mean square error of prediction(RMSEP) of 0.6423% and the correlation coefficient of prediction of 0.9059. And the spectral dimension reduction method of principal component analysis(PCA) and the kernel function of radial basis function(RBF) were suitable to improve the predictive ability of LS-SVM model. The results suggested that it was feasible for online detection of SSC of Gannan navel orange by visible-NIR diffuse transmission spectroscopy combined with LS-SVM algorithm.
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