查看全文    HTML 鲍鱼微波真空干燥特性及动力学模型
Drying characteristics and dynamic model of abalone dried with microwave-vacuum equipment
中文关键词: 鲍鱼  干燥特性  动力学  微波真空干燥
英文关键词: abalone  drying characteristics  dynamics  microwave-vacuum drying
基金项目:福建省高等学校科技创新团队支持计划项目(闽教科[2012]03 号)
张孙现1,池文文2 (1. 福建省产品质量检验研究院福建 福州 3500022. 福建农林大学食品科学学院福建 福州 350002) 
摘要点击次数: 1923
全文下载次数: 790
      研究鲍鱼微波真空干燥过程中水分含量的变化,分析不同微波功率、真空度、装载量以及盐溶 液浸泡浓度对鲍鱼干燥特性的影响,结果表明,鲍鱼微波真空干燥的干燥速率曲线包含加速、恒速及降速3 个阶段;研究鲍鱼微波真空干燥的水分比与干燥时间的关系,建立动力学模型,并对模型进行验证,结果表 明,鲍鱼微波真空干燥的干燥动力学满足Page 模型,该模型预测值与实测值拟合良好,能够准确描述鲍鱼 微波真空干燥过程的水分变化规律。
      The change of moisture content of abalone in the process of microwave-vacuum drying were researched,and the effects of microwave power,vacuum degree,loading capacity and salt solution concentration on drying characteristics of abalone were investigated. The results showed that the drying process was divided into three stages as follows: accelerated phase,constant-speed phase and decelerated phase. Then the relationship between moisture ratio and drying time was studied to establish the dynamic model and verifying it. The results showed that the dynamic model for microwave-vacuum drying of abalone was consistent with Page model,and the predictive values were matching with measured values. So the moisture contents of abalone during the drying process can be exactly predicted by it.
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