庞欢瑛,黄芝凤,黄 洋,黄郁葱,鲁义善,简纪常.五味子和黄精对副溶血弧菌及其生物膜的体外抑制作用[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(9):119-123
查看全文    HTML 五味子和黄精对副溶血弧菌及其生物膜的体外抑制作用
Inhibitory activity of Shisandra chinensis and Polygonatum sibiricum on Vibrio parahaemolyticus and its biomembrane
中文关键词: 五味子  黄精  副溶血弧菌  体外抑制作用  生物膜
英文关键词: Shisandra chinensis  Polygonatum sibiricum  Vibrio parahaemolyticus  in vitro inhibitory activity  biomembrane
庞欢瑛,黄芝凤,黄 洋,黄郁葱,鲁义善,简纪常 (广东海洋大学水产学院/ 广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室/广东省教育厅水产经济动物病害控制重点实验室广东 湛江 524088) 
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      采用琼脂扩散法,分别测定五味子(Shisandra chinensis)、黄精(Polygonatum sibiricum)对副 溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)的体外抑菌作用;选用倍比稀释法确定五味子、黄精对副溶血弧菌 的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(MBC);采用改良微孔板法(MTT)评价两种中草药液对溶 藻弧菌生物膜形成的影响。结果表明,两种中草药都有不同程度的抑制副溶血弧菌的作用,五味子对副溶 血弧菌的抑菌圈直径为18.67(±0.2)mm,MIC 为1.56 mg/mL,MBC 为3.125 mg/mL;黄精的抑菌圈直径为 11.26(±0.6)mm,MIC 和MBC 分别为1.56、3.125 mg/mL。当药物浓度达到3.125 mg/mL 以上时,五味子和 黄精对副溶血弧菌生物膜的形成有极显著抑制作用。
      The inhibitory effects of Shisandra chinensis and Polygonatum sibiricum on Vibrio parahaemolyticus were tested by disc agar diffusion,and the minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration(MBC) were detected by double dilution;the effects of S. chinensis and P. sibiricum on V. parahaemolyticus biomembrane were measured by MTT assay. The two species of Chinese herbal medicine had different degree of inhibition. S. chinensis had inhibitory effects with the diameter of inhibition zone(DIZ) of 18.67 (±0.2) mm,and the MIC and MBC respectively were 1.56,3.125 mg/mL;P. sibiricum had inhibitory effects with the diameter of inhibition zone(DIZ) of 11.26(±0.6) mm,and the MIC and MBC respectively were 1.56, 3.125 mg/mL. Both S. chinensis and P. sibiricum exhibited a potent inhibitory activity against V. parahaemolyticus biomembrane formation,when the concentration of medicine was over 3.125 mg/mL.
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