陈海燕,郑惠娜,曹文红,周春霞,章超桦,郝记明,张 静.波纹巴非蛤酶解产物脱色脱腥及其分子量分布研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(9):132-139
查看全文    HTML 波纹巴非蛤酶解产物脱色脱腥及其分子量分布研究
Study on decolorization,deodorization and molecular weight distribution of enzymatic hydrolysis prepared from Paphia undulta
中文关键词: 波纹巴非蛤  酶解产物  脱色脱腥  分子量分布
英文关键词: Paphia undulta  enzymatic hydrolysis  decolorization and deodorization  molecular weight distribution
陈海燕,郑惠娜,曹文红,周春霞,章超桦,郝记明,张 静 (广东海洋大学食品科技学院/ 广东省水产品加工与安全重点实验室/广东普通高等学校水产品深加工重点实验室/国家贝类加工技术研发分中心(湛江)广东 湛江 524088) 
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全文下载次数: 871
      为充分利用波纹巴非蛤蛋白资源,采用复合酶水解制备酶解液,以感官值和蛋白回收率为指 标,选取粉末活性炭(氧化锌炭、磷酸炭)、颗粒活性炭、硅藻土(10#、300#)、树脂(LX-32、LSA-821), 采用单因素试验对波纹巴非蛤酶解液进行脱色脱腥,综合确定最佳吸附条件并筛选出最佳吸附剂。以酶 解液、树脂体积质量比及流速为单因素优化最佳吸附剂柱层析分离条件,并采用凝胶层析分析脱色脱腥 后酶解液的分子量分布。结果表明: 树脂LX-32 的动态吸附脱色脱腥效果最佳,最佳脱色脱腥工艺为酶解 液与树脂(V∶W)比2.5∶1、流速5 BV/h,在此条件下,酶解液感官值为7.8,蛋白回收率为78.70(± 0.47)%,分子量分布范围147~4 729 u 的组分所占比例为75.21%,具有较好的品质,可作为保健与营养食 品基料。
      In order to make full use of the clam protein resources,the enzymatic hydrolysate was prepared by complex enzymes hydrolysis in the paper. Taking the sensory evaluation and protein recovery rate as index, the powder activated carbon( Zinc oxide carbon,phosphate carbon),granular activated carbon,diatomite( 10#, 300#),resin( LX-32,LSA-821) were selected with single factor test for the decolorization and deodorization of enzymatic hydrolysate,the optimal adsorption conditions were determined and the best adsorbent was selected by comprehensive index. With the volume and mass ratio of enzyme solution to resin,flow rate as a single factor to optimize the column chromatography separation condition of the best adsorbent,And the gel chromatography was used for analyzing molecular weight distribution of enzymatic hydrolysate after decolorization and deodorization. The results showed that the best dynamic adsorption for decolorization and deodorization was obtained by LX-32 resin. The optimized conditions were as follows: the ratio of enzymatic hydrolysate to resin was 2.5:1,the flow rate was 5 BV/h,under these conditions,the sensory value was 7.8,the protein recovery rate was 78.70(±0.47)%, the components of molecular weight ranged from 147 to 4 729 u accounted for 75.21%,which had good quality,and could be used as the base material of health and nutrition food.
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