查看全文    HTML 多维社会资本视角下农户对农业面源污染治理机制的响应意愿研究
Farmers' response willingness to different mechanism of controlling agricultural non-point source pollution: a multi-dimensional social capital perspective
中文关键词: 农业面源污染  治理机制  社会资本  农户响应意愿  Multi-variate Probit 模型
英文关键词: agricultural non-point source pollution  controlling mechanism  social capital  farmers’ response willingness  Multi-variate Probit model
华春林1,张灿强2 (1. 西南科技大学经济管理学院/ 四川循环经济研究中心四川 绵阳 6210102. 农业部农村经济研究中心北京 100810) 
摘要点击次数: 1608
全文下载次数: 870
      基于四川省实地调研数据,运用因子分析法将农户社会资本以社会网络、社会声望、社会信 任、社会参与4 个维度表征,针对农业面源污染治理中政府监管机制、市场机制以及教育引导机制的农户 响应意愿,构建Multi-variate Probit 模型,分析多维度社会资本对农户响应意愿的影响。结果表明,社会资 本不同维度对农户的响应意愿有显著积极影响,在构建和实施农业面源污染治理机制时,应重视对农户社 会资本的利用。
      This paper built a multi-variate Probit model to analyze the impact factors to farmers’ responsive willingness to different mechanism of controlling agricultural non-point source(NPS) pollution by using survey data in Sichuan province,characterized farmers’ social capital in four dimensions: social network,social prestige, social trust,and social participation by using factor analysis method. The three different mechanisms were restrictive policies,market mechanism and extension program. The results indicated that farmers’ social capital significantly affected farmers’ response willingness. When government constructed and implemented the mechanism of controlling agricultural NPS pollution,the effects of social capital should be considered at the same time with the effects of governmental supervision,market and education mechanism.
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