陶 源,史建民.全国苹果种植投入产出关系实证分析[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(9):170-175
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Empirical analysis on input-output relationship of apple planting in China
中文关键词: 苹果投入  苹果产出  效率分析  DEA 模型
英文关键词: apple input  apple output  efficiency analysis  DEA model
陶 源,史建民 (山东农业大学经济管理学院山东 泰安 271018) 
摘要点击次数: 1574
全文下载次数: 887
      在分析1991—2014 年苹果种植效益的基础上,选取全国苹果种植7 个主产省的面板数据,运 用DEA 数据包络模型对苹果种植投入与产出效率进行实证分析。结果表明:苹果种植成本利润率和产值利 润率自2010 年以来均呈下降的趋势,说明近几年苹果种植的效益不高,苹果种植投入与产出效率整体较 低;技术进步是提高效率的关键,建议增强技术能力,提高苹果种植效率。
      Bssed on analyzing the benefits of apple planting in 1991-2014,the panel date in seven mainly provinces of apple planting were selected and an empirical analysis on the input-output efficiency of apple planting was carried out by DEA data envelopment model. The results showed that the cost and production value profit margins of apple planting declined since 2010,indicating that apple planting benefits were low recently. The empirical analysis showed that the input-output efficiency of apple was not high as a whole and technological progress was the key to improve efficiency. Therefore,it should improve the efficiency of apple planting by enhancing technical capacity.
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