查看全文    HTML 中国甜橙出口国际竞争力研究
Study on international competitiveness of China’s orange export
中文关键词: 中国  甜橙  出口  国际竞争力
英文关键词: China  orange  export  international competitiveness
陈亚艳 (赣南师范大学商学院江西 赣州 341000) 
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 1303
      甜橙是柑橘类的主要品种。中国甜橙种植面积世界第一,产量世界第三,仅次于美国和西班 牙。中国国内鲜橙大众市场趋于饱和,但国内甜橙种植带仍在扩规模提产量,导致近年甜橙产业面临着增 产不增收的发展瓶颈。积极开拓甜橙出口是改变这一瓶颈的主要途径。但是,中国甜橙出口竞争力远不及 美国、西班牙、埃及、南非等世界其他甜橙生产大国,出口能力与甜橙生产大国地位形成鲜明反差。因此, 清醒地认识中国甜橙出口的国际竞争力现状,从开拓市场、多样化品种、提高质量、降低成本、加强果农合 作社组织、增强政府支持等方面采取系列措施提升中国甜橙出口竞争力,是扭转中国甜橙出口薄弱局面, 守住国内中高端甜橙市场,提高果农收入的当务之急。
      Orange is one of the main varieties of citrus. China’s orange cultivated area ranks the first and the production ranks the third in the world,after the United States and Spain. China’s orange mass market tends to saturation,but domestic orange planting producers are still expanding the planting scale and production,which leads to a bottleneck in orange industry,that higher output is not accompanied by a higher income. Actively exploring orange export is the main way to change this bottleneck. But the export competitiveness of China’s orange is farther weaker than that of the United States,Spain,Egypt,South Africa,and other leading orange producers in the world. There is a sharp contrasting between China’s exporting capacity and the status of leading orange producer. In order to enhance the international competitiveness of China’s orange export,reverse the weakness of China’s exporting capacity,defend the domestic high-end market of orange,and increase income of fruit producers,it is imperative that we should understand the situation of China orange’s international competitiveness,and take a series of measures,like exploring the market,diversifing varieties,improving quality,reducing cost,strengthening the fruit farmer cooperatives,enhancing the government and so on.
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