查看全文    HTML 2016年上半年广东蔬菜产业发展形势与对策建议
Development situation and countermeasures on Guangdongvegetable industry in the first half of 2016
中文关键词: 蔬菜产业  电子商务  发展形势  存在问题  对策建议
英文关键词: vegetable industry  electronic commerce  development situation  existing problems  countermeasures and suggestions
李欢欢1,罗慧君1,孙明华1,黎小建1,林伟君2 1.广东省农科院彩田农业科技信息中心广东 广州 510640 2.广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1851
全文下载次数: 773
      2016年上半年,受到气候因素及市场供需关系的因素影响,广东省蔬菜产业种植面积增加而 产量减少,蔬菜市场价格总体呈先升后降的波动走势,价格水平低于上年同期。对2016年上半年广东蔬菜 产业发展现状进行全面阐述,指出广东蔬菜产业发展存在设施化水平亟需提升、技术支撑缺乏、生产成本 持续增长、蔬菜电子商务仍存在发展困境等问题,并提出加强品种结构整体规划、提高蔬菜生产抗逆减灾 能力、加强产业技术体系创新团队建设、加强蔬菜标准化建设、加大蔬菜电商发展等对策建议。
      In the first half of 2016,affected by climate factors and market supply and demand factors,the planting area of vegetable in Guangdong increased,while production decreased,and the market price rendered upward first and then decreased,which was lower than that in the same period last year. In this paper,we comprehensively elucidated the current development situation of Guangdong vegetable industry,further analyzed the problems of vegetable industry,such as agricultural facilities level to be improved,lacking of agricultural technical support,the cost of production growing and difficulties existing in vegetables electronic commerce development. Finally,this paper put forward some countermeasures and suggestions,including strengthening the overall variety structure planning,improving the ability of antiadversity and disaster reduction,strengthening the construction of innovation team of industrial technology system,strengthening the construction of standardization of vegetables, intensifing electric business development of vegetables.
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