熊毅俊1,林 群1,孙明华1,万 忠2.2016年上半年广东生猪产业发展形势与对策建议[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(10):15-20
查看全文    HTML 2016年上半年广东生猪产业发展形势与对策建议
Development situation and countermeasures of Guangdong pig industry in the first half of 2016
中文关键词: 广东  生猪产业  猪粮比价  市场走势  对策建议
英文关键词: Guangdong  pig industry  pig grain price  market trend  countermeasures and suggestion
熊毅俊1,林 群1,孙明华1,万 忠2 1.广东省农科院彩田农业科技信息中心广东 广州 5106402.广东省农科院农业经济与农村发展研究所广东 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1939
全文下载次数: 779
      2016年上半年,广东生猪产能持续处于低位,生猪出栏价、批发价以及猪肉零售价均呈现大幅 度上涨趋势,生猪供给市场偏紧。而玉米和豆粕价格持续下滑,猪粮比价维持高位运行态势,2016年上半 年广东省生猪产业迎来养殖效益反补期。重点分析了造成生猪产能持续下降与猪价持续上涨的具体原因, 预测2016年下半年生猪价格将从高位逐步回落,生猪供给偏紧局势进一步缓解。针对目前生猪产业所面临 的形势与困境如治污减排、控成本提效能以及猪肉品牌化发展等热点问题,提出了大力推进生态化生猪养 殖、加强养殖技术装备升级改造、加快推进生鲜猪肉品牌化建设等对策与建议。
      In the first half of 2016,the pig production of Guangdong province sustained in a low position,pig slaughter price,wholesale price and the retail price of pork showed significant upward trend,all these factors made live pigs supplies be tight. In the other hand,the prices of corn and soybean meal continued to decline,while the pig grain price remained on high momentum,it showed that the pig industry of Guangdong province was entering the period of pig breeding efficiency compensation. This paper focused on the specific cause for pig production declining and pork price rising,predicted that the live pig price would be decreasing from high position,and the situation of live pig supplies would be further relief in the second half of 2016. Based on the current hot issues of pig industry, such as pollution abatement,costs control and effectiveness improvement,and the branding development of pork market,thid paper put forward to some countermeasures and suggestions,such as promoting ecological pig breeding, strengthening the cultivation technology and equipment upgrading,speeding up establishment and development of fresh pork brand,etc.
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