张 琳1,刘 文1,2,梁 红1.粤东北稀土矿场不同立地条件植物多样性研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(10):82-88
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Plant diversity under different site conditions of rare earth mine in northeastern Guangdong
中文关键词: 稀土矿场  植被修复  植物多样性  坡位  生境异质性
英文关键词: rare earth mine  phytoremediation  plant diversity slope position  habital heterogeneity
张 琳1,刘 文1,2,梁 红1 1.仲恺农业工程学院生命科学学院广东 广州 5102252.华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 510642 
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      以广东省和平县下车镇稀土矿场为例,通过样地植被调查,从空间尺度分析不同坡位植物修 复后5年自然修复区的植物多样性变化及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:(1)各样地均呈现由人工植物 种向本土野生植物种演替的趋势,最终完全被本土野生植物所取代,且这些野生植物多为本土的多年生草 本植物;(2)主要功能群蕨菜和芒萁对稀土矿场环境表现出很强的适应性,南坡顶样地蕨菜的重要值高达 0.83;(3)植物多样性呈现坡底>坡顶>中间斜坡,背阴地>向阳地,地势较为平坦和阳光充足的坡底更 适合多种植物生存;(4)5 个样地Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson指数相关性极显著,南坡顶样地和斜坡样 地 Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson指数高于其他样地;(5)南坡顶样地与北坡顶样地植物多样性特征接近, 群落Bray-Curtis相似性指数高达0.60。相关分析结果表明,环境条件相似的两生境地,植物种类相似性最 高;立地条件对稀土矿场植物修复具有极其重要作用,充足的水分和养分是保证稀土矿场植被快速恢复的 关键因素。
      Abstract:The research investigated the plant diversity and its relationship with environmental factors at different topographies sites after 5 years of phytoremediation,in the rare earth mine in Xiache town,Heping County, Guangdong Province. The results were as follows:(1)Succession of the plants used in phytoremediation into wild plants was found,and the artificial plant vegetation was finally replaced by the local wild plants,most of which were local perennial herbaceous plants.(2)Main plant community plants,Pteridium aquilinum and Dicranopteris pedata expressed the strong adaptability,the important value of P. aquilinum at the south slope plot was up to 0.83.(3) Plant diversity at different plots appeared the tendency of bottom slope > top slope > mid slope,and shady slope > sunny slope. The bottom slope with flat topography and sunlight was suitable for plant growth.(4)Between Pielou evenness index and Simpson index,there was significant correlation,Pielou evenness index and Simpson index of south slope plot and slope plot were high than those of the other plots.(5)Characteristic of plant diversity between the south slope plot and the north slope plot were similar,and similarity of plant community reached 0.60. Relevant analysis indicated that areas with similar environment had high plant similarity,suggesting that topographic factors had great influences on plant restoration in rare earth mine,and moisture and temperature were the crucial factors for the plants’ fast restoration.
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