韩义胜,徐 靖,熊怀阳.籼稻粒长与稻米品质的相关性及其育种应用[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(11):1-6
查看全文    HTML 籼稻粒长与稻米品质的相关性及其育种应用
Correlation between length and quality of grain in Indica rice and its application in breeding
中文关键词: 粒长  稻米品质  优质稻
英文关键词: grain length  grain quality  quality rice
韩义胜,徐 靖,熊怀阳 海南省农科院粮食作物研究所/ 海南省农作物遗传育种重点实验室/ 农业部基因资源与种质创制海南科学观测实验站海南 海口 571100 
摘要点击次数: 2020
全文下载次数: 969
      籼稻谷粒长度(粒长)与稻米外观品质、蒸煮品质、碾磨品质和营养品质均有密切关系。粒长 一般与外观品质、蒸煮品质呈正相关,但与碾磨品质负相关,对营养品质的影响则表现为长粒可适当降低 蛋白质和氨基酸的含量。粒长通常是大米分类和定价的重要依据,长粒型籼稻品质一般较为优良。尽管粒 长是数量性状,与环境条件有一定关系,但基因型仍是决定粒长的关键因素,因此,可以通过对粒长的遗传 改良来培育长粒型优质稻新品种。综述了籼稻粒长与稻米品质的相关性、粒长性状的遗传学研究及其在优 质籼稻育种中的应用。
      Grain length is closely related to grain qualities in Indica rice,including appearance,cooking, nutrition and milling,and positively correlated with appearance and cooking quality,along with a negative correlation with milling quality. The grain length influences nutrition quality to some extent by lowering its content of proteins and amino acids,and it is an important characteristic that determines its class as well as commodity price,with longer length being accompanied by higher quality. Grain length is investigated as a quantitative trait and may also be affected by environmental factors,but its key determinant is the genotype of itself,suggesting that it is feasible to breed up a quality rice variety by genetically improving the trait of grain length. The paper reviewed the correlation between grain length and grain qualities,genetic study on grain length trait,and their applications in quality rice breeding.
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