徐呈祥1,郭 峰2,马艳萍1.土壤pH 对蓝莓扦插苗和嫁接苗生长、光合作用及矿质元素含量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(11):56-63
查看全文    HTML 土壤pH 对蓝莓扦插苗和嫁接苗生长、光合作用及矿质元素含量的影响
Effects of cultivation medium pH on growth,photosynthesis and mineral element contents of own-rooted and grafted blueberry saplings…
中文关键词: 蓝莓  乌饭树  嫁接  pH 胁迫  适应性
英文关键词: blueberry  Wufanshu  grafting  pH stress  adaptation
徐呈祥1,郭 峰2,马艳萍1 1. 肇庆学院生命科学学院广东 肇庆 526061 2. 溧阳市天目湖龙潭生态谷有限公司江苏 溧阳 213300 
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      为探究嫁接繁育提高蓝莓对较高pH 土壤生境适应性的效应和机制,以中国南方特产、与蓝莓 同科属的经济灌木乌饭树为砧木,以南高丛蓝莓品种夏普兰为接穗,以乌饭树扦插苗、蓝莓扦插苗、乌饭树 砧蓝莓嫁接苗为试材,以石英砂为栽培基质,以pH 4.6、5.8、7.0 的3 种溶液分别浇灌栽培,对植株生长状 况、叶片光合参数及矿质元素含量等基础生理进行测试分析。结果表明,在较高pH 基质上栽培,与蓝莓扦 插苗相比,以乌饭树嫁接促进蓝莓植株生长和干物质积累,提高叶片叶绿素含量、叶绿素a/b 比值、叶绿素 荧光化学效率和光合效能,改善叶片矿质元素含量状况,尤其是提高叶片Mg 和Fe 元素含量,蓝莓对较高 pH 土壤生境的适应性显著改善。
      The adaptation of blueberry to higher soil pH is poor. To explore the effects and probable mechanism of the adaptation of grafted blueberry(Vaccinium spp.)saplings to the soil environment with higher pH value, three types of saplings,(1)own-rooted Wufanshu( V. bracteatum),an economical shrub belonged to the same genus and family with blueberry,also known as oriental blueberry,(2)own-rooted‘ Sharpblue’,a southern highbush blueberry( V. corymbosum) cultivar,and( 3) grafted-bluebedrry were taken as experimental materials,which were grown in quataz sand mediums for 90 d,irrigating with nutrient solution of three levels of pH values respectively, i.e. pH4.6,pH5.8 and pH7.0. Results showed that root development,shoot growth and dry biomass accumulation of grafted blueberry were significantly better than those of own-rooted blueberry grown in higher pH medium;compared with own-rooted blueberry sapling,leaf chlorophyll content,chlorophyll a/b ratio,chlorophyll fluorescence chemical efficiency and photosynthetic efficiency of grafted blueberry sapling grown in higher pH medium were all significantly improved. Results also showed that mineral element contents of leaves,especially Mg and Fe elemental contents of grafted blueberry were significantly higher than those of own-rooted blueberry sapling grown in higher pH medium. Grafting-propagation of blueberry sapling taking Wufanshu as rootstock significantly enhanced the adaptation of blueberry to soil environment with higher pH value.
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