谢江江,陈月桂,彭冬永,杨春强,黄学俊,吴 冠,杨鸿彬,杨俊贤.30% 甜歌多功能药肥对甘蔗害虫防效及产量的影响…[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(11):92-96
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Effects of 30% tiange multifunctional medicinal-fetilizer on control efficiency of pests and sugarcane yield
中文关键词: 30% 甜歌  药肥一体化  甘蔗害虫  防效  产量
英文关键词: 30% tiange  pesticide and fertilizer integration  sugarcane pests  control effect  yield
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2015A020209011,2014A020208011);广东省农机农艺配套甘蔗良种选育关键 技术创新能力建设项目(粤农计[2015]6 号);湛江市科技计划项目(2014A03020)
谢江江,陈月桂,彭冬永,杨春强,黄学俊,吴 冠,杨鸿彬,杨俊贤 广州甘蔗糖业研究所/ 广东省甘蔗改良与生物炼制重点实验室广东 广州 510316 
摘要点击次数: 2075
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      以甘蔗生产上施用常规复合肥与呋喃丹颗粒杀虫剂为对照,研究30% 甜歌多功能药肥对甘蔗 害虫的田间防效及甘蔗产量的影响。结果表明,30% 甜歌多功能药肥能够有效的抑制甘蔗螟虫、蓟马、绵 蚜、金龟子等害虫的发生。药肥施用后90 d,两个试验点的甘蔗枯心率分别为1.55% 和2.55%,显著低于对 照处理的15.40% 和19.40% ;收获前,两个试验点药肥处理的甘蔗螟害节率分别为8.70% 和9.47%,显著低 于对照处理的34.50% 和33.50%,且甘蔗产量较对照处理分别高21.16% 和22.14%。30% 甜歌多功能药肥 兼具营养与杀虫双重功效,两者合二为一,实现甘蔗药肥一体化生产,达到省工节本的目的。
      In order to study the effects of 30% tiange multifunctional medicinal-fetilizer on the control efficiency of pests and sugarcane yield,the field tests were conducted with conventional fertilizer and pesticide as control. The results showed that 30% tiange multifunctional medicinal-fetilizer could effectively control sugarcane borers,thrips, woolly aphid and chafer. After 90 days,the withered heart rate of sugarcane in two test points were 1.55% and 2.55% respectively,which were significantly lower than that in the control group. Before harvest,the rate of borer section of sugarcane in two test points were 8.70% and 9.47% respectively,which were significantly lower than that in the control group. In addition,it made sugarcane yield increased by 21.16% and 22.14%. 30% tiange multifunctional medicinal-fetilizer had double effects of nutrition and insecticide,would realize the integrated production of sugarcane pesticide and fertilizer and save cost.
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