王 晨1,曾检华2,秦 珂1,何祖勇1,陈瑶生1,刘小红1.基于CYB5A 基因的广东小耳花猪群体遗传背景检测…[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(11):122-126
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Detection of genetic background of Guangdong Small-ear Spotted pig population by CYB5A gene
中文关键词: 广东小耳花猪  CYB5A 基因  外来猪种  检测
英文关键词: Guangdong Small-ear Spotted pig  CYB5A gene  exotic pig breed  detection
基金项目:国家科技基础性工作专项(2014FY120800);广东省科技计划项目(2014B020202001);广东省扬帆 计划(2014YT02H042)
王 晨1,曾检华2,秦 珂1,何祖勇1,陈瑶生1,刘小红1 1.中山大学生命科学学院/ 有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室广东 广州 510006 2.广东壹号食品股份有限公司广东 广州 510620 
摘要点击次数: 2144
全文下载次数: 1044
      广东小耳花猪是广东省饲养量最大的地方猪品种,农户自繁自养过程中可能混入外来猪种血 缘,实际生产中主要通过表型进行评估和选育。CYB5A 基因启动子中的突变位点可以鉴定中外猪种遗传 背景,因此可通过分子方法检测广东小耳花猪群体中是否混有外来猪种血缘。采用PCR 扩增CYB5A 基因 启动子并进行单向直接测序,将得到的基因序列进行对比以鉴定变异位点。结果显示,32 头种猪和36 头 后备母猪中均有1 头为杂合子AB 型,A 等位基因频率分别为0.0152 和0.0139,其余种猪和后备母猪均为 中国猪种纯合子BB 型。经卡方检验,种猪和后备母猪群体在检测位点上处于Hardy-Weinberg 平衡状态 (P>0.05),表明外来猪种该位点在广东小耳花猪群体内没有受到人工选择。该AB 型种母猪毛色表型正 常,与纯种广东小耳花猪BB 型公猪配种生出6 头毛色异常仔猪,其中2 头为杂合子AB 型。该种母猪与杜 洛克公猪配种后生出红毛仔猪,该杂交后代的表型也验证其混有外来猪血缘,表明分子鉴定的准确性。研 究结果表明,广东小耳花猪群体的血统基本纯正,只有极少数个体混有外来猪种血缘,通过表型选择与分 子辅助育种相结合的方法可以准确、快速地提纯该地方品种。
      Guangdong Small-ear Spotted pig is the largest local pig breed raised in Guangdong province. This pig breed can be mixed with genes from exotic pigs during the rearing process by famers,and it is usually evaluated and bred through phenotype in actual production. Mutations in CYB5A gene promoter region could be applied in identifing different genetic backgrounds of Chinese and exotic pig breeds,so we detected Guangdong Small-ear Spotted pig population by molecular method to identify whether this breed was mixed with exotic pig breeds. CYB5A gene was amplified by PCR method and sequenced only by one direction,then the DNA sequences were analyzed to identify the mutations. The results showed that both 32 breeding pigs and 36 gilts had one heterozygotes of AB genotype respectively and A allele frequency was 0.0152 and 0.0139,the remaining pigs were Chinese pig breed type of BB genotype. The 32 breeding pigs and 36 gilts were under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P>0.05) by Chi-Square tests,it indicated that the mutations from exotic pig breeds were not under human selection in Guangdong Small-ear Spotted pig population. The heterozygous sow had normal phenotype,it was mated with a pure Guangdong Small-ear Spotted boar and produced six abnormal colour pattern piglets,and two of them were heterozygotes of AB genotype by the detection. The heterozygous sows were also mated with a pure duroc boar and produced red coat piglets,which also validated that the sow was heterozygous and the molecular method was accurate. The results demonstrated that most of the Guangdong Small-ear Spotted pigs were purebreed,only a few individuals had been introgressed from exotic pig breeds. Combined phenotype selection with molecular-assisted selection methods,the local pig breed could be purified quickly and accurately.
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