罗 锋,黄 丽.广东农业产业技术创新联盟发展现状与策略探讨[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(11):136-141
查看全文    HTML 广东农业产业技术创新联盟发展现状与策略探讨
Development status and strategy of Guangdong agricultural industry technology innovation alliance
中文关键词: 农业产业技术创新联盟  发展现状  组织模式  运行机制  发展策略
英文关键词: agricultural industry technology innovation alliance  development status  organization pattern  operation mechanism  development strategy
基金项目:广东省软科学研究计划项目( 2 0 1 3 B 0 7 0 2 0 6 0 7 7 );教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金 (15YJA790042);广东省教育厅科研项目社科一般项目(2013WYXM0115)
罗 锋,黄 丽 佛山科学技术学院经济管理与法学院广东 佛山 528000 
摘要点击次数: 1809
全文下载次数: 798
      农业技术创新具有极强的公益性,同时又具有研发周期长、风险高、可复制性强的特点,这决 定了农业产业技术创新联盟的运行较之其他产业更为复杂。基于广东省农业产业技术创新联盟发展现状, 分析其组织模式、运行机制及存在的问题,提出政府应专门制定农业产业技术创新联盟发展规划,大力培 育和支持以农业龙头企业为牵头单位的技术创新联盟,并构建合理的评估指标体系以科学评估农业内部不 同产业技术的正外部性,分类确定各产业领域财政专项资金的最佳投入比例,同时要构建完善的联盟内部 利益分享和风险分摊机制。
      Agricultural industry technology innovation alliance is more complex than other industries because agricultural technology innovation has some characteristics as follows: strong public welfare,longer R&D cycle, high risk and strong reproduction. Based on the current situation of development of agricultural industry technology innovation alliance in Guangdong province,this paper explores the organization mode,operation mechanism and existing problems of agricultural industry technology alliance and suggests that the government should specially plan for the development of agricultural industry technology innovation alliance,cultivate and support those alliances led by leading enterprises,evaluate the positive externalities of agriculture in different industrial technology by building reasonable evaluation system,finance the optimal investment proportion for various categories and build a good mechanism for internal benefit sharing and risk sharing.
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