查看全文    HTML 农户生态创新表现及其影响因素——基于生猪养殖户的调查分析
Eco-innovation performance of rural households and its influence factors—An survey analysis among pig farmers
中文关键词: 农户  生态创新  影响因素  多元Logit 模型
英文关键词: rural household  eco-innovation  influence factors  multi-variable Logit model
袁伟彦 广西师范大学经济管理学院广西 桂林 541004 
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全文下载次数: 630
      以广西东南部两县为样本,利用多元Logit 模型分析我国代表性农户经营的典型生态创新—— 高架网床猪舍在生猪养殖中的使用及其影响因素。结果发现,生态创新表现“非常积极”、“积极”和“不 积极”的农户分别占27.7%、30.1% 和42.2%;经济利益追求、环保压力及由此激发的环保自觉是农户生态 创新的两个动力来源:户主受教育年限增加、环保压力、政府资金扶持以及乐观的市场价格预期能激发农 户的生态创新积极性,经营时间较短和专业化经营的农户,其生态创新表现也更积极,而经营规模过小则 是制约农户生态创新的重要原因。因此,推动农户生态创新,要不断强化经济激励和环保意识养成、积极引 导农户进行规模化专业化经营、提高农村居民受教育程度、稳定农产品价格、加强政府扶持并逐步建立和 完善农村污染防治制度体系。
      This paper used multi-variable Logit model to analyze a typical eco-innovation of representative pig farming in China rural-the uses of elevated net pigsty and its influence factors based on sample survey data from two counties located in southeastern Guangxi. The results showed that 27.7% of farmers were“very positive”, 30.1% were“ positive”,and 42.2% were“ no positive” in eco-innovation. Economic benefit and environmental consciousness from environmental pressure were two power sources of rural households’ eco-innovation,schooling years of the head of household,environmental pressure,government’s support and optimistic market price expectation could stimulate rural households’ eco-innovative;new entry and specialized operation also improved the eco-innovation enthusiasm of rural households,and small scale was the important factor affecting rural households’ eco-innovation. In order to promote rural households’ eco-innovation,it should strengthen economic benefit and environmental consciousness orientation,guide rural households to scale and specialized operation,improve the education level of rural residents,maintain agricultural products price stability,strengthen government’s support, establish and improve the rural pollution prevention and control system.
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