查看全文    HTML 农产品价格对农民收入的动态影响——基于状态空间模型
Dynamic effect of agricultural product price on farmers’income: based on the state space model
中文关键词: 农产品价格  农民收入  状态空间模型  卡尔曼滤波
英文关键词: agricultural product price  farmer’ income  state space model  Kalman filter
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71561014,61561025,71461019);江西省社会科学规划青年项目(16YJ34);江 西省教育厅科技项目;江西现代农业及其优势产业可持续发展的决策支持协同创新中心项目(XDNYA1502)
付莲莲 江西农业大学理学院/ 江西现代农业发展协同创新中心江西 南昌 330045 
摘要点击次数: 1703
全文下载次数: 906
      从结构突变的角度研究农产品价格对农民收入的动态影响。采用Cobb-Douglas 生产函数的多 变量分析框架,将农产品价格、农民人力资本、财政支农支出、农村固定资产投资和农民收入纳入研究体 系,构建农产品价格与农民收入的状态空间模型,运用卡尔曼滤波方法对状态空间模型的参数进行估计。 结果表明:农产品价格波动对农民收入的影响是随时间变化的,1985—2013 年间农产品价格关于农民收入 的弹性系数在-0.069~0.265 之间变动、平均值为0.121,总体上经历了4 个阶段的波动,说明价格对收入 的影响与国家农业政策有密切关系。
      The dynamic effect of agricultural product price on farmer’ income was studied from the perspective of structural breaks. State space model was applied to establish a time-varying parameter model of agricultural product price and farmer’ income growth under the multivariable framework of Cobb-Douglas production function, including price of agricultural product,human capital of peasants,financial expenditure in agriculture,rural fixed asset investment and farmers' income. Kalman filter method was used to estimate the parameter of time-varying parameter model. The results showed that the influences of price fluctuation of agricultural product on farmer’ income were time-varying. Price elasticity of income for farmers between 1985 and 2013 has experienced four stages of volatility in general,changing between -0.069 and 0.265,with a mean of 0.121. Price's influence on income had close relationship with national agricultural policies.
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