李 娟,林建勇,何应会,蒋 燚,梁瑞龙.广西崇左叉叶苏铁种群结构与分布格局研究[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(12):25-29
查看全文    HTML 广西崇左叉叶苏铁种群结构与分布格局研究
Population structure and distribution pattern ofCycas bifida in Chongzuo of Guangxi
中文关键词: 叉叶苏铁  种群结构  分布格局  广西
英文关键词: Cycas bifida  population structure  distribution pattern  Guangxi
李 娟,林建勇,何应会,蒋 燚,梁瑞龙 (广西林业科学研究院广西 南宁 530002) 
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      在调查广西崇左叉叶苏铁种群结构特征的基础上,根据年龄结构图和存活曲线,分析种群动 态,应用扩散系数、聚集指数、平均拥挤度、聚块性指数、集群指数等方法研究分布格局。结果表明,叉叶 苏铁幼苗个体比例较大(其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ级幼苗占总个体数的59.17%),种群结构呈金字塔型,属于增长型种 群,种群结构比较稳定;种群内开花植株少,仅发现5 株开花,未见结实个体;叉叶苏铁种群分布格局呈聚 集型,这与叉叶苏铁的生物学和生态学特性密切相关,同时还受到生境异质性影响。
      The population of Cycas bifida was investigated in Chongzuo,Guangxi. The population structure of C. bifida was analyzed by age structure and survivorship curve. The pattern of C. bifida was studied by using dispersal index,clump intensity,mean crowding,patchiness index,cassie index,etc. The results showed that the population dynamics belonged to growth type because there were lots of seedlings,and the population structure was relatively stable. It was found that the blooming plant was very few,only 5 in the population. There was no seeding plant. Spatial distribution pattern of C. bifida population conformed to clumped distribution,which closely related to its ecological and biological characteristics,as well as affected by its habitat heterogeneities.
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