王 芳1,郇青鹤1,柯佑鹏1,过建春2,刘秋冬1.中国香蕉产业的全要素生产率、 技术进步与效率变化[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(12):168-175
查看全文    HTML 中国香蕉产业的全要素生产率、 技术进步与效率变化
Changes of total factor productivity,technologicalprogress and efficiency in Chinese banana industry
中文关键词: 香蕉产业  全要素生产率  技术进步  技术效率
英文关键词: banana industry  total factor productivity  technological progress  technical efficiency
王 芳1,郇青鹤1,柯佑鹏1,过建春2,刘秋冬1 (1. 海南大学经济管理学院海南 海口 5702282. 海南热带海洋学院海南 三亚 572022) 
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      运用基于DEA 的Malmquist 指数法测算2003—2014 年我国及五大香蕉主产区的全要素生产 效率,并将其进一步分解为技术进步和技术效率。结果表明:我国香蕉产业全要素生产率在样本期内增长 率为1.3%,主要源于技术进步,其平均增长为2.6%,而纯技术效率与规模效率有所下降,分别为-0.1% 和-1.2%。我国香蕉产业全要素生产率的提升主要源于技术进步,是由于香蕉新品种培育、高品质栽培管 理、节水节肥技术及无伤采收等技术措施的推广与应用。香蕉生产的纯技术效率与规模效率为负值,表明 我国蕉园管理水平不高,该行业通过集聚整合达到规模经济的效果尚需实践,香蕉种植者们应在推动技术 进步的同时,促进香蕉产业规模化和管理水平的提升。
      In this paper,based on DEA -Malmquist index method,we calculated the total factor productivity (TFP)of China and the 5 major banana producing areas in 2003-2014,and decomposed it into technological progress and technological efficiency. The results showed that the TFP growth rate of banana industry in China was 1.3%,which was mainly due to the technological progres,which was 2.6%,and the pure technological efficiency and scale efficiency declined,which were -0.1% and -1.2%. The improvement of total factor productivity of banana industry in China was mainly due to the technological progress,and it was the extension and application of new technologied,such as cultivation of new banana varieties,high quality cultivation management,technology of saving water and fertilizer,and no injury harvest and so on. Pure technological efficiency and scale efficiency of banana production was negative,it indicated that our banana plantation management level was not high,to achieve economy scale effect through convergence and integration still need to practice,banana growers should promote technology progress at the same time,and promote the banana industry scale and management level.
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