秦景逸1,张 云1,王秀梅1,朱甜甜1,刘 康2.绿肥间作对果园产量及经济收益的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(1):43-48
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Effects of intercropping green manure on yeild and economic benefits of orchard
中文关键词: 间作绿肥  果实品质  产量  经济收益
英文关键词: intercropping green manure  fruit quality  yield  economic benefits
秦景逸1,张 云1,王秀梅1,朱甜甜1,刘 康2 ( 1. 新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000 2. 新疆林业科学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000) 
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      分析不同绿肥间作物对果园土壤温湿度环境、树体生长势、果实品质及经济收益的影响,筛选 新疆伊犁河谷地区适宜间作的绿肥作物,研究用于改善果园生态环境的科学管理模式。田间试验以果园间 作红豆草、紫花苜蓿、黄豆、小麦、清耕(CK)5 种方式,采用方差分析法,分析果园间作绿肥的保水性和 保温能力,对产量及果实品质进行测定发现,果园通过间作不同绿肥不但改善了土壤的温湿度环境,还能 有效的增强果树树势,确保果实的产量及品质,从而提升果园的经济效应。适合伊犁河谷地区生产发展的 绿肥依次是紫花苜蓿> 黄豆> 红豆草> 小麦> 清耕。
      The research analyzed the effects of different green manure crops on orchard soil temperature, humidity environment,tree growth potential,fruit quality and economic benefits,to selected the green manure crops which were fit for planting in Ili valley region,and improve the scientific management mode of orchard ecological environment. Five different treatments,that orchard was intercropped with sainfoin,alfalfa,soy,wheat,Qinggeng (CK)were designed. The water retention,heat preservation ability,yield and fruit quality of orchard intercropped with green manure were determined and analyzed with variance components method. It was found that intercropped with different green manure not only improved the soil temperature and humidity environment,but also could enhance the fruit tree potential effectively,ensure the fruit yield and quality,then improve the economic benefits of orchard. The green manure production development suitable for Ili river valley was in turn: alfalfa > beans > sainfoin > wheat > Qinggeng( CK).
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