温贝贝,邓 丽,叶 霞,贺 巍,刘建军,苏 会,李美凤,冯建灿.DNA 条形码在山茶属近缘植物鉴别中的应用[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(1):55-65
查看全文    HTML DNA 条形码在山茶属近缘植物鉴别中的应用
DNA barcodes for identification of closely related species in Camellia
中文关键词: 山茶属  trnH-psbA  matK  DNA 条形码  物种分辨率
英文关键词: Camellia  trnH-psbA  matK  DNA barcodes  species identification
温贝贝,邓 丽,叶 霞,贺 巍,刘建军,苏 会,李美凤,冯建灿 (河南农业大学园艺学院河南 郑州 450002) 
摘要点击次数: 2728
全文下载次数: 1304
      山茶属(Camellia)是山茶科(Theaceae)中物种丰富、经济效益较高的属。分类学上对山茶 属的亚属、组以及种的划分争议较大,著名的3 大山茶属植物分类系统分别由Sealy、张宏达和闵天禄提 出。DNA 条形码技术是指通过对植物基因组中的特定基因进行片段扩增、测序发现其碱基变化规律的技术 手段,在分类学研究中显示出巨大的应用潜力。选取trnH-psbA 和matK 序列的通用引物,对山茶属不同植 物基因组DNA 进行扩增和序列测定,分别得到了trnH-psbA 序列和matK 序列各61 条,山茶属matK 序列 相似度极高(98.40%),物种分辨率较低。trnH-psbA 的属间物种分辨能力达到100%,而在山茶属内物种分 辨率仅为13.11%。结果表明:trnH-psbA 序列能够有效地区分不同属间的植物,但种间分类能力较弱。
      The Camellia genus containing about 280 species is the only genus with great commercial values in the family Theaceae. The products of this genus such as seed-oil,ornamental plants and different kinds of tea are popular in the current market. The classification of species in Camellia genus using molecular methods may have potential power in finding cryptic species,rearing new variety and controlling the trade involving counterfeit. DNA barcoding is regarded as a promising tool for species-level identification marked by short,standardized DNA sequences. In this study,we tested the value of widely used barcoding markers(trnH-psbA and matK)on 64 Camellia species and compared with those of other genera in different family downloaded from NCBI. In all,61 trnHpsbA sequences and 61 matK sequences were obtained and the pairwise distances,aligned length,variable sites were calculated. As the consistency of matK sequences was extremely high(98.40%),we mainly focused on further analysis of trnH-psbA region. In genus level,all 61 species were successfully distinguished from 7 other genera. When comes to species level within Camellia genus,the discrimination rate was only 13.11%. The results indicate that trnH-psbA region may have effective ability in genus-level identification,but has weak practicability in specieslevel discrimination.
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