白小节1,张华雨2,王 鑫2,宗秀虹2,邓洪平2,梁 盛1.濒危植物小黄花茶群落区系特征研究[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(1):94-99
查看全文    HTML 濒危植物小黄花茶群落区系特征研究
Flora characteristics of community of endangered plant Camellia luteoflora Li ex H. T. Chang
中文关键词: 小黄花茶  群落  区系特征  地理成分  贵州赤水
英文关键词: Camellia luteoflora  community  flora characteristics  geographical elements  Chishui region inGuizhou chishui
白小节1,张华雨2,王 鑫2,宗秀虹2,邓洪平2,梁 盛1 (1. 贵州赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区管理局贵州 赤水 5647002. 西南大学生命科学学院/ 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室重庆 400715) 
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      在赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区内对小黄花茶群落进行野外调查,对其伴生维管植物区系特 征和群落物种多样性进行分析,结果表明:(1)伴生维管植物共148 种,隶属于71 科116 属。其中蕨类 植物16 科19 属21 种,裸子植物2 科2 属2 种,被子植物53 科95 属125 种,占保护区科、属、种的百 分比分别为35.32%、13.23%、6.98%。(2)对种子植物的科、属进行分级比较发现:中等科占总科比例为 78.18%,少种属和中等属占总属比例分别为36.08%、35.05%。对种子植物科、属进行分布区类型的统计发 现,科、属地理成分以热带分布为主,温带成分占有一定比例,反映了该区从热带向温带过渡的性质。该 物种群落分布范围较小,生境脆弱,部分群落人为干扰严重,就地保护是维持群落稳定的关键措施。
      We investigated the field of Guizhou Chishui Alsophila National Nature Reserve Administration, and analyzzed the accompanying vascular flora characteristics. The results showed that,there were 148 species of vascular plants belonging to 71 familie and 116 genera in the community,in which there were pteridophytes belonging 16 families,19 genera and 21 species,gumnosperms belonging to 2 families,2 genera and 2 species, and angiosperms belonging to 53 families,95 genera and 125 species,and the percentages of sanctuary families, genera and species were 35.32%,13.23%,6.98%respectively. For seed plant's families,genera grading,the percentage of mesotypic family was 78.18% of the total,oligotypic genus and mesotypic genus was 36.08% and 35.05%. By analying the statistics of seed plant families,genus distribution types,the areal types of families and genera was dominated of tropical floristic,a certain proportion of temperate elements,this refiected the fioristic characteristics of transition from tropical to temperate components. Distribution of Camellia luteoflora communities was small,the habitat was fragile,and human disturbance was serious,situ conservation was the key measure to maintain community stability.
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