彭耀东1,胡毅翀1,张正杨1,徐庆凯1,申昌优2,肖先仪3,钟秋瓒2.井窖式移栽不同移栽期与苗龄对 烤烟产质量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(2):25-31
查看全文    HTML 井窖式移栽不同移栽期与苗龄对 烤烟产质量的影响
Effects of different transplanting dates and seedling ageson yield and quality of flue-cured tobaccounder well-cellar transplanting
中文关键词: 烤烟  井窖式移栽  裂区试验设计  协调性  评价
英文关键词: tobacco  well-cellar transplanting  split-plot experiment design  coordination  evaluation
彭耀东1,胡毅翀1,张正杨1,徐庆凯1,申昌优2,肖先仪3,钟秋瓒2 1. 江西省烟草公司江西 南昌 3300092. 赣州市烟草科学研究所江西 赣州 341000 3. 江西省烟草公司赣州市公司江西 赣州 341000 
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      以云烟87 为材料,采用二因素裂区试验设计,以移栽期2 月23 日(A1)、3 月1 日(A2)、3 月9 日(A3)为主区,苗龄48 d(B1)、55 d(B2)、62 d(B3)为副区,研究井窖式移栽不同移栽期和苗 龄对赣州烤烟产质量的影响。结果表明:在3 个移栽期中,A1 烟叶产量、产值、均价和上等烟比例表现较 差;A2 烟叶还原糖含量偏高外,其他化学成分均在适宜范围,协调性分值高达96.26,表现为协调。在3 种 苗龄中,B1 烟叶烟碱、总氮含量偏低,还原糖含量偏高,协调性分值仅有89.13,表现为较协调;B2 和B3 烟叶经济性状较好,化学成分协调性分值均在90 分以上,表现为协调。在赣州生态气候下,采用井窖式移 栽技术移栽烟苗,移栽期应在3 月1 日左右,且苗龄控制在55 d 左右。
      The effects of different transplanting dates and seedling ages on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco Yunyan 87 by well-cellar transplanting were studied by using a two-factor split-plot experiment. The results showed that: in the aspects of yield,production value,average price and first class leaves rate,the best performance appeared in the A2 and A3 treatments,the poor performance was the earlier transplanting of A1 treatment. The contents of nicotine,nitrogen and potassium and the ratios between sugar and nicotine,nitrogen and nicotine, potassium and chlorine of A2 treatment were all moderate,and the chemical coordination evaluation value was 96.26. The chemical coordination evaluation value of A1 and A3 was more than 90,slightly worse than that of A2. In the aspects of yield,production value,average price and first class leaves rate,the best performance appeared in the B2 seedling age treatment. The nicotine and nitrogen contents of B1 were on the low side,while its reducing sugar content was on the high side,and its chemical coordination evaluation value was only 89.13. The chemical coordination evaluation value of B2 and B3 was more than 90. So in order to increase the production and improve the quality of tobacco leaf,the suitable well-cellar transplanting date should be around March 1st,and the seedling age should be at about 55 d under Ganzhou ecological and climatic conditions.
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