娄 丽1,2,付 品1,2,徐超然2,袁丛军2,郑秀容3,孙建昌1,2.贵州野核桃群落特征及物种多样性研究[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(2):55-61
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Characteristics and species diversity of Juglanscathayensis community in Guizhou
中文关键词: 野核桃群落  群落特征  物种多样性  贵州
英文关键词: Juglans cathayensis community  community characteristics  species diversity  Guizhou
基金项目:贵州省服务企业项目(黔科合服企[2015]4010 号);贵州省人才团队建设项目(黔科合人才团队 [2013]4009 号)
娄 丽1,2,付 品1,2,徐超然2,袁丛军2,郑秀容3,孙建昌1,2 1. 贵州省核桃研究所贵州 贵阳 5500052. 贵州省林业科学研究院贵州 贵阳 550005 3. 桐梓县林业局贵州 遵义 563200 
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      以贵州桐梓野核桃群落为研究对象,采用常规群落学调查法,对野核桃群落的结构特征及物 种多样性进行分析。结果表明:野核桃群落出现的维管束植物有56 种,隶属36 科53 属,群落垂直结构 明显分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,其中乔木层的野核桃为优势建群树种;群落内高位芽、地面芽植物占 比大,少有地上芽植物,形成典型的竹阔混交林景观。物种的数量特征显示,乔木层中野核桃重要值最大 为94.36,梾木次之,重要值为77.51,方竹第三,重要值为74.45。径级结构显示呈不连续分布,集中在小 径级居多,为稳定型种群。群落物种多样性偏低:Shannon-Wiener 指数为3.356,Simpson 指数为1.263, Pielou 均匀度指数为0.364,草本层Shannon-Wiener 指数、Pielou 均匀度指数多样性指数均为群落最大值, 分别为3.145 和0.513,表明草本层物种最多、多样性最丰富。
      Field surveys were conducted on Juglans cathayensis community in Guizhou,by using methods of routine investgation in the feature and diversity of community. The results showed the J. cathayensis community consisted of 56 species in 56 genera,36 families. The vertical structure was very obvious,which can be divided into canopy,shrub and herb layer,and J. cathayensis was the only dominant species of the canopy. The appearances was determined mainly by the phanerophuta and hemicryptophyta plant. The important value of J. cathayensis was 94.36 in canopy layer,which was dominant position,the second was Cornus macrophylla,those important value was 77.51,the third was Chimonobambusa quadrangulari,its important value was 77.51. The radial structure showed a discontinuous distribution,which was concentrated in the small diameter class,it was a stable population. The species diversity of this community was relatively low,the species diversity was 36, the Shannon Wiener index was 3.356,the Simpson index was 1.263,the Pielous index was 0.364. The Shannon- Wiener and Pielous index of herb were 3.145,0.513,which were the largest,the most abundant species and diversity appeared in herb layer.
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