周 玮,苏春花,严 敏.喀斯特地区不同土层厚度下土壤微生物 数量与植物多样性的关系[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(2):112-117
查看全文    HTML 喀斯特地区不同土层厚度下土壤微生物 数量与植物多样性的关系
Relationship between plant diversity and soil microbial underquantity different soil layer-depths in karst area
中文关键词: 植物多样性  微生物数量  相关性  土层厚度  喀斯特
英文关键词: plant diversity  microbial quantity  correlation  soil layer-depth  karst
基金项目:贵州省科技厅- 贵州民族大学联合基金(黔科合LH 字[2014]7382 号)
周 玮,苏春花,严 敏 贵州民族大学化学与环境科学学院贵州 贵阳 550025 
摘要点击次数: 2404
全文下载次数: 988
      采集不同土层厚度下由石灰岩及白云岩发育的土壤样品,并对其上生长的植被进行调查,采用 微生物培养法分析土壤中微生物数量,分析地上植物多样性与地下微生物数量之间的相关性。结果表明: 除石灰岩发育的薄土外,随着土层厚度的减少,地上植被的物种丰富度(S)、Simpson 指数(D)、Shannon- Wiener 指数(H)及微生物数量逐渐减少,表现为厚土> 中土> 薄土,特别是在草本层及灌木层表现较为 明显;乔木层物种丰富度从5 种减少为0,薄土区无乔木树种生长;同等土层厚度下石灰岩发育土壤中生物 多样性及微生物数量明显高于白云岩发育土壤;地上部分物种丰富度(S)、Simpson 指数(D)及Shannon- Wiener 指数(H)与地下细菌、真菌及放线菌数量存在显著或极显著相关性。
      Soil samples were collected in different soil layer-depths developed from limestone and dolomite, and the plant situation was investigated. The microbial incubation methods were used,and the correlation between plant diversity and microbial quantity was analyzed. The results showed that,besides the thin soil developed from limestone,the species richness,Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index of vegetation in the ground and the microbial quantity declined gradually with the decrease of soil layer-depth,performing the thick soil>the middle soil>the thin soil. The trends in herb and shrub layer were obvious. The species richness(S) of forest decreased from 5 to 0. There was no forest in the thin soil. Under the same soil layer,the biodiversity and microbial quantity in the ground soil developed from limestone was higher than this index of dolomite. There were significant or extremely significant correlation among the species richness(S),Simpson index( D) and Shannon-Wiener index( H) of vegetation and the microbial quantity of underground.
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