查看全文    HTML 汽蒸前后六堡茶中优势微生物的分离鉴定
Isolation and identification of dominant microorganismsof Liupao tea before and after steaming
中文关键词: 六堡茶  优势微生物  分离  鉴定
英文关键词: Liupao tea  dominant microorganisms  isolation  identification
欧惠算1,邓旭铭1,张灵枝1,张均伟2,马士成3,4,邱瑞瑾3,4 1. 华南农业大学园艺学院广东 广州 5106422. 梧州中茶茶业有限公司广西 梧州 543001 3. 梧州市农业科学研究所广西 梧州 5430004. 梧州市六堡茶研究院广西 梧州 543000 
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      选取汽蒸前、后六堡茶茶样,分离纯化得到7 株优势菌,采用传统方法观察菌落特征、利用光 学显微镜观察菌株的形态,结合分子生物学水平对菌株进行DNA 序列分析,通过ITS 序列进行同源性搜 索比对、对系统发育树分析。结果共鉴定出六堡茶汽蒸前的优势菌为塔宾曲霉、黑曲霉、胶红酵母、LB3 青 霉、灰黄青霉、鞘氨醇单胞菌以及阿姆斯特丹散囊菌。而在汽蒸后的六堡茶里没有塔宾曲霉以及黑曲霉,说 明其在高温汽蒸时已被杀死,而其余5 种微生物因耐高温而保留下,对六堡茶的陈化起到重要作用。
      Steaming is the key technology in the process of Liupao tea. seven dominant microorganism strains were separated from Liupao tea samples before and after steaming technology .With the traditional methods to observe the colony strain morphological characteristics,and the optical microscope observation,combined with the molecular biology level of strain for DNA sequence analysis,and through ITS sequence homology search comparisons and analysis of phylogenetic tree,the seven dominant strains from Liupao tea before steaming were identified as Aspergillus tubingensis,A. niger,Rhodotorula mucilaginosa,Penicillium sp,P. griseofulvum,Sphingomonas sp, Eurotium amstelodami. And from the Liupao tea after steaming,A. tubingensis,A. niger,were not detected,they were killed during high temperature steaming,while the rest five microorganisms had high temperature resistance, were important in the aging of Liupao tea.
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