陈 雪,傅新红,刘国强.贫困地区农户对农民专业合作社参与 意愿影响因素分析 ——基于四川省秦巴山贫困片区320 名农户的调查[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(2):177-185
查看全文    HTML 贫困地区农户对农民专业合作社参与 意愿影响因素分析 ——基于四川省秦巴山贫困片区320 名农户的调查
Impact factors of rural households’ willingness toparticipate in farmers’ professional cooperativesin poverty-stricken areas—Based on a survey of 320 rural households in Qinba mountainpoverty-stricken areas of Sichuan province
中文关键词: 贫困地区  建档立卡贫困户  合作社  参与意愿  脱贫机制  合作互惠
英文关键词: poverty-stricken areas  recorded poor rural households  cooperatives  participating willingness  mechanism for poverty alleviation  collaboration and reciprocity
基金项目:四川省科技厅软科学重大项目(2016ZR0240);国家社会科学基金(14XMZ006);四川省农村发展研 究中心项目(CR1302)
陈 雪,傅新红,刘国强 四川农业大学管理学院四川 成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 2082
全文下载次数: 837
      农民专业合作社具有天然的益贫性,能促进农户脱贫增收。通过对四川省秦巴山贫困片区5 市 11 个样本县的320 名农户进行实地调研,根据贫困地区独有特征,构建农户参与意愿影响因素指标体系, 采用二项Logistic 回归模型,对贫困地区农户参与合作社意愿影响因素进行实证分析。结果表明:贫困地区 农户参与合作社意愿不高,是否有非农或村干部经历、家庭务农人数、农产品商品化程度、对合作社盈利能 力、发展前景认知有显著性正向影响,建档立卡贫困户相对非贫困户来说,参与意愿更不强烈。此外,地区 之间农户参与意愿的影响因素也存在差异。基于以上研究,在如何引导贫困地区农户参与合作社、建立长 效脱贫机制以及促进贫困地区合作社可持续发展等方面,提出相关对策建议。
      Farmer cooperatives can pro-poor instinctively,and they can bring benefit to farmers and therefore help promote poverty alleviation. On this basis,by interviewing 320 non-cooperative rural households in 11 sample counties of Qinba mountain poverty-stricken areas of Sichuan province,this paper constructed an indicator system with the impact factors of rural households’ willingness based on the special characteristics of povertystricken regions,and applying Logistic regression model,this paper empirically analyzed the impact factors of rural households’ willingness to participate in cooperatives. Results indicated that,in poverty-stricken areas, rural households had weak willingness to participate in cooperatives. Whether having non-agricultural or village cadre experiences,the amount of family members engaging in agricultural activities and commercialization degree of agricultural products had significantly positive effects on the operating style and development recognition of cooperatives. Compared with non-poor households,registered poor households showed weaker willingness to cooperative participation. Additionally,inter-regional differences existed in the impact factors of participating willingness. At last,this paper put forword some policy implications to guide rural households in poverty-stricken areas to participate in cooperatives,including establishing a long-term mechanism of poverty,promoting the sustainable development of poverty-stricken areas cooperatives,etc.
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