吴 萍,李青苗,夏燕莉,郭俊霞,王晓宇,肖 特,方清茂,张 美.甘油对超低温保存白芷种子活力的影响[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(3):47-51
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Effects of glycerol on seed vigor of Angelica dahuricaunder cryopreservation
中文关键词: 白芷种子  甘油  超低温  种子活力  萌发
英文关键词: Angelica dahurica seeds  glycerol  cryopreservation  seed vigor  germination
吴 萍,李青苗,夏燕莉,郭俊霞,王晓宇,肖 特,方清茂,张 美 四川省中医药科学院中药资源与种植研究所四川 成都 610041 
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      研究不同甘油体积比(0%、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%)对超低温保存白芷种子活力的 影响,为白芷种质资源超低温贮藏提供理论依据。取同份量的白芷种子分别与甘油按不同体积比混合后 置于冷冻管中,混匀放入液氮罐中保存1 周,取出后常温解冻24 h,测定种子发芽能力、电导率、过氧化 物酶(POD)活性及可溶性蛋白含量等。结果表明,不同体积配比的甘油在白芷种子超低温保存过程中 对种子萌发均有不同程度的促进作用,随着甘油比例的增加,除发芽势呈先升后降趋势外,其他指标均呈 先升后降再升再降的趋势,以10% 甘油处理效果最显著;白芷种子超低温贮藏过程中,甘油的使用能降 低种子电导率,提高种子可溶性蛋白含量和POD 活性。电导率、可溶性蛋白含量和POD 活性与种子活力 指数呈极显著或显著相关,相关系数分别为-0.93、0.79、0.71,3 个指标均可作为评价白芷种子活力大小 的候选指标。
      The effects of glycerol treatment on seed vigor of Angelica dahurica under cryopreservation was investigated. The same amount of seeds were mixed with glycerol in different volume ratio and placed in the freezing tube. Then,the mixture was thawed at room temperature for 24 hours after storing one week under cryopreservation. The germination ability,conductivity,peroxidase( POD) activity and soluble protein content of seed were determined. The results showed that:glycerol had some positive effects on improving seed vigor,and the best effect was the treatment with 10% glycerol,in which the seed germination potentiality,germination index,vigor index were significantly enhanced. In the process of seed cryopreservation,glycerol could reduce seed conductivity,increase soluble protein content and POD activity of seeds. The correlation coefficient between conductivity,soluble protein content or POD activity and seed vigor index was -0.93,0.79 or 0.71,which can be used as measurable indicators of A. dahurica seed vigor.
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