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Identification and screening of plant growth-promotingrhizobacteria(PGPR)with ability of phosphatesolubilizingor potassium-solubilizing
中文关键词: 根际促生菌  解钾  解无机磷  鉴定  筛选
英文关键词: plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria( PGPR)  potassium-solubilizing  inorganic phosphorussolubilizing  identification  screening and application
宋凤鸣1,刘建华1,史正军2,江亚雄1,叶宇轩1,许建新1 1. 深圳市铁汉生态环境股份有限公司广东 深圳 5180082. 深圳市中国科学院仙湖植物园/ 深圳市南亚热带植物多样性重点实验室广东 深圳 518004 
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全文下载次数: 1743
      为了获得具有高效解磷解钾能力、适宜作为菌肥生产菌的根际促生菌,采用选择性培养基, 以稀释培养法针对性地筛选具有解无机磷、解钾能力的根际促生菌,通过生理生化实验结合16S rDNA 序 列分析对分离菌株进行鉴定,并比较其解磷解钾效果,筛选出无拮抗的菌株并发酵菌液作为菌肥应用。结 果表明:多个细菌菌株中,b6 巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)解无机磷活性较强,b7 胶质芽孢杆菌 (Bacillus mucitaginosus)解钾活性较强。复合菌肥在实验室盆栽条件下对山毛豆(Tephrosia candida)促生 效果显著,但其肥效与化肥仍有差距,可搭配减量化肥施用,提高化肥利用率。
      In order to obtain plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria( PGPR) strains with efficient activity on solubilizing phosphate or potassium, and the potentiality as fertilizer-producing bacteria, strains were isolated by using selective medium and diluting culture, then they were identified after a series of physiological and biochemical experiments and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. And the solubilization activity was tested, unopposed strains were selected and used as biological bacterial fertilizer. The results showed that b6( Bacillus megaterium) had efficient activity on solubilizing inorganic phosphorus, b7( B. mucitaginosus) had efficient activity on solubilizing potassium. Under laboratory conditions, the compound biological fertilizer had a significant promoting effect on Tephrosia candida, but it still couldn’t replace chemical fertilizers. Biological bacterial fertilizer can be used with the reduction of chemical fertilizer, to improve the fertilizer utilization.
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