王利英1,程 雄2,黄文鑫3,崔大方1.广东内伶仃岛土壤调查与污染评价[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(3):101-107
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Investigation and pollution evaluation of soil inNeilingding Island,Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 内伶仃岛  土壤资源  理化性质  评价
英文关键词: Neilingding Island  soil resources  physicochemical property  evaluation
王利英1,程 雄2,黄文鑫3,崔大方1 1. 华南农业大学华南农业博物馆广东 广州 510642 2. 华南农业大学新农村发展研究院广东 广州 510642 3. 华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院广东 广州 510642 
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      通过调查国家级自然保护区内伶仃岛的土壤肥力和质量状况,掌握其土壤生产力和环境质量 情况,为其生态保护和合理利用提供依据。定点采集土壤剖面样品并进行室内实验分析,测定土壤剖面样 品肥力和重金属含量,并与1997 年数据进行比较,探讨内伶仃岛不同土壤类型的土壤肥力和重金属变化情 况。与1997 年数据相比,内伶仃岛4 种类型土壤肥力无明显变化,土壤pH 均有所下降,重金属含量除铬 外均有不同程度升高,增幅最大的锰达到362.3%,最低的铅为29.38%。调查的4 种土壤类型中,变质岩赤 红壤肥力状况较好,滨海沙土和石质土肥力较差,整体有酸化趋势,重金属含量升高较多但在安全范围内。
      In this study,the soil fertility and quality in the Neilingding Island,a national natural conservation area,were investigated to provide a basis for its ecological protection and rational utilization. Samples were collected from soil profiles and analyzed for fertility and total heavy metals,and the results were compared with those of 1997 so as to know soil fertility and total heavy metal changes of 4 types of soils in Neilingding Island. The results showed that fertility did not change apparently,soil pH decreasd to some extent,and total heavy metals except total Cr increased by various degrees,compared with in 1997. For the heavy metals,Mn had the largest increase of 362.3%,while Pb had the smallest of 29.38%. For the 4 types of soils,metamorphic latosolic red soil showed high fertility,while costal sandy soil and rocky soil had low fertility. Generally,the soils had acidification,and the total heavy metals increased considerably,but were still within the safety margin.
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