查看全文    HTML 溴氰菊酯对中华绒螯蟹主要免疫指标的影响
Effects of deltamethrin on main immune parametersof Chinese mitten crab,Eriochier sinensis
中文关键词: 溴氰菊酯  中华绒螯蟹  免疫功能  毒性作用
英文关键词: deltamethrin  Eriochier sinensis  immunity function  toxicity
洪宇航 西昌学院动物科学学院四川 西昌 615000 
摘要点击次数: 2060
全文下载次数: 1110
      为揭示溴氰菊酯对中华绒螯蟹免疫功能的影响,测定了在不同浓度溴氰菊酯(0、0.19、0.30、 0.41、0.52 μg/L)条件下中华绒螯蟹总血细胞数量(THC)、吞噬活性、酚氧化酶(PO)活性、酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)活性和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性5 项主要免疫指标的变化情况。结果表明,溴氰菊酯对中华绒螯 蟹免疫有显著影响,低浓度处理(0.19、0.30 μg/L)引起THC 药后6 h 和12 h 出现极显著上升,随后逐渐 恢复;而高浓度处理(0.41、0.52 μg/L)则在药后24 h 后持续下降,药后96 h 极显著低于对照。各浓度处 理均对血细胞吞噬活性有抑制效应,且随着浓度升高抑制效果越强。0.52 μg/L 处理PO 活性药后6 h 出现 极显著上升,随后逐渐下降,药后96 h 处理间无显著差异;而ACP 活性、AKP 活性药后6 h 出现明显下降, 各时间段均极显著低于对照。
      In this research,the effects of deltamethrin on immune parameters were revealed by dectecting the changes of total hemocytes count( THC),phagocytic activity,phenoloxidase(PO) activity,acid phosphatase (ACP) activity and alkaline phosphatase(AKP) activity in hemolymph of Chinese mitten crab under different concentrations of deltamethrin(0,0.19,0.30,0.41,0.52 μg/L) exposure. The results showed that deltamethrin had evident effects on immune parameters of Chinese mitten crab,THC increased after 6 h and 12 h exposure to low concentrations of deltamethrin including 0.19 μg/L and 0.30 μg/L,and then decreased to normal level at 96 h. On the contrary,high concentration( 0.41μg/L and 0.52μg/L) exposure declined the THC after 24 h,which was significantly lower than that of control group at 96 h. The phagocytic activity decreased under each concentration and the higher concentration made a higher inhibition of phagocytic activity. After exposure to 0.52μg/L deltamethrin,PO activity increased significantly at 6 h and then decreased gradually till 96 h,which had no significant difference among each group. However,both ACP and AKP activity decreased at 6 h exposure to 0.52μg/L deltamethrin and was significantly lower than those of control at each time point.
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